Beach Party!!!
Wings: March 2005
Oh yes. You read rright. In the swealtering heat of a March evening in Keele, yours truly garbed up in flourecent yellow shorts (shibby), a manga shirt, manastacia shades (2 times in one week!) and green vest for the ultimate totty fest of a gathering. After a very personal invite from Wheel (ie, none at all I invited myself) I geared up to the tunes of students nationwide. Show me the way to Amarillo, Grease, Dirty Dancing, Build Me Up Buttercup and Take That (yes, TAKE THAT) were just a couple of the ones I shaked my pants to. Cocktails of the ReefWkdVkSmirnoffice variety flowed aplenty as well as the odd goldshlager (ick0 and pink tequila. This place has GAY drinks. The university had even been kind enough to import a bit of ocean to ride a surfboard on - think bucking bronco meets bouncy castle. Much shimmying later (it was fucking roasting in there) with Wheel's missus Sarah and Martin (baywatch baby) we were cast into the night piss wet thru and not best dressed for it. After being dared to do a stint of flashing and bein forced to pee in public (don't tell me ma) we piled into taxi's for proposed bacon butties - but my common sense kicked in, as well as the tequila repeat breath so a hasty retreat brought me back home playin with my pussy (cat) and harrassing the wifey on the phone - the pure evil of landlines! The lesson... Go to more dirty student parties half nekkid!
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