Saturday, April 02, 2005

Flitting, Razors, Bar Whores and 14 Storey Drops...

Yes you lucky devils (and devilesses) I'm here to give a brief but merry round up to the week so far! I'm sure you're all whett with anticipation...
Work has been work with the exception that I now get to flit between Hartshill, Newcastle and Bucknall to each venue to spread my love (and wings of course) to the happy face filling folk of Stoke! Yes my new title means I can enjoy the thrills of long unsociable hours, a lack of staff thanks to uni holidays, no idea as to the following weeks rota until 11pm saturday night and learning how to pronounce the wines without sounding like a tw@ or a chav.
I hope I'll see a few of ya poppin in for a pint should you risk to leave your hives/menagerie of cats/stella posters. We really all need to get together outside of blackpool every now and again.
Charlie decided to go all JT on me this week by buzzin the barnet down to a number 3 all over - very sexy we may say albeit with a lack of the ace ventura fringe. His more recent biccing however didn't go to plan so he's shampooing with JFM and compost for the next couple of weeks!
Martinistoke is the latest addition to the massive staff turnover of the Club so a big flappy welcome to fully fledged bar-whore status goes out to my favourite 'a-gay'. Look out for rent-a-geek jining the newbie ranks in the not so far off future soon (ie 9th April). Feel free to grab their asses as they wander round glass collectin etc :oP
IT also seems I'll be waving to the Queen Bee herself at the beggining of May as I plan to abseil down the YMCA for RNIB (yes thats the blind ones dears) all in the name of christianity, good faith and a bit of a laugh. Feel free to pledge for me but I will have to dress up too so suggestions on a postcard...
Think thats all I can think of for 4:58am so toodles for now
B xXx


Blogger Wings said...

I could bounce off the boogle boogle bumble squat padded ass!
Sure witnesses are allowed, just bring your val stella pac-a-mac to protect from Wings-goo on impact.
Joan has got access to a bo-selecta mel b outfir with the mask, glasses, wig and leopard skin. If I get the £100 required for the abseil I may be tempted to go as close to drag as I'll ever get... yer complete set of BASTARDS YA!!!
B xXx

12:59 PM  
Blogger Wings said...

Alas, Mel B is already taken for May. However, do I hear £6 for me to do my best Florence outfit complete with slug-tash, ringlet wig, frock and parasol?
It's because I'm a lady...

3:19 PM  

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