Tuesday, April 05, 2005



It's happened. The end of the world is nigh. The sky is falling. Cats and dogs are getting on with oneanother. Martin is butch. Stroponstoke is wearing a tiara. Sherrin has quit smoking. And Ikea are making a flat pack house available by 2007.
You heard right folks, now you really CAN live the ikea lifestyle, with your own property flat packed. Bizarre as it sounds it comes with money off if you assemble it yourself with a posidrive, allenkeys, electric drill, hammer and nail gun; and it comes with £250 of vouchers for a furniture starter kit. I kid you not.
I think I'll have to inspect one up close before I purchase anything made of sawdust, spit and a thin layer of lackwood to live in...
Pity open-mouth-Annie hasn't heard the news yet. If you've not sampled her oral technique may I suggest you head over to and select the help option and ask the little blond bombsite as many vulgar and insulting questions as possible!

Wings xXx


Blogger Wings said...

Ommmmmmmmmmm... no the tiara does not suit...
Tescos are doing a two stripes version; you get 300 clubcard points but it'll expire before the date shown and it'll be shit product in nice packaging.
Besides, the asda one has that fox symbol as the lounge wallpaper.
I'm actually going Ikea tonight with Anna (not to be confused with Ikea.com open mouth Annie) to fetch my sofa so I'll ask an acne ridden teen in yellow if it's true. Although I did read the article in the guardian. At work. Because I couldn't find the cartoons...

5:45 AM  

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