Of Brum, Satan and Canellini Beans...


Well lets just get the naff stuff out of the way first. The fast spirraling dating that was me and Richard (of Warick fame) has officially crash landed. You know the drill on here by now folks. Follow emergency lights; exits are situated here here here and here!
However, not one to dwell for once (hmmm) we set off to Birmingham this weekend to do one final bout of celebrating in the name of Martini. 'What is this?' I hear you cry (albeit very quietly) 'Were you not to travel to Liverpool instead to see Princess Stephanie and her tribe of merry dancers?'. Alas not it would seem as Martini decided trying to book the accomodation on the thursday would suffice. Ne Pas. So after changing the location to Blackpool (just been) to Manchester (pretentious) to Brum we decided on the land of the yam yams instead!
So had my first official forays into the worlds of Missing, Route 2 and Nightingale. Good times had all round but we didn't manage to make it till 6am due to the whole 'we don't do drugs and there ain't enough bull-wee lined taurine drinks keep us upright' thing going on. So it was a shower and ITV nightscreen for me by 4am (see I'm a good girl I am).
Today saw a kareoke style journey home courtesy of our Madge along with the new tummy tickler "Come Satan We Fly" saying on a garage forecourt. Tonight we had a trip to see Wallace and Gromit at the cinema. Definatly the best yet (although before I wasn't really a W&G fan) and me and Oli decided we need a bunny from Toys R Us asap! Chinese proved as interesting as ever with the delectable Miss Linda Lush sat opposite retelling tales from past days and swapping sex stories with the rest of the table; who knew Julie had a clit like a canellini bean...
And on that note I fare thee all goodnight!
Wings and Co.
Yes, but canellini beans have less sauce than a heinz baked... I already have the slide thankyou, as well as the fashionable yellow inflatable jacket accessorised with whistle, flashing light and 6 inch vibr... no wait that's my other oncho for Val Stella...
Have fun in the costas again dear - may you find sand in places you never knew you had!
Toodles xXx
Oh, oh, oh I'm missing the relationship snack trolley! You could ask Gloria to randomly serve out nuts, coffee and headphones prior to each bloody flame consuming crash landing.
I'm whet with excitement :D
what a strange weekend it was as well, thought it may have been a bit of a disaster, however fun was had by all parties! and u havent even mentioned the tune of the weekend , benji , you are getting forgetful in your old age you hairy green vest wearing bastard.
ps - welcome to my inner sanctum!
martinibiancimuffinivieve! xxxx
Ring ring ring dear... and inner sanctum was milked dry by the time I upblogged last night thanks to your cackling - do belive Dom incited a lot of fear in the 5 year old sat behind him...
"Look at my wifes artichokes!"
You see I wouldn't have envisioned it like that. I think it would be more of a plain 'Fuck Off' followed by 'RAH' and finished with a chinning to the face. Bless her
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