Of Woods, Ruperts and Kittens!

Just a quick one to say that the Amphitheatre down on the Keele campus is as creepy as ever. Visited it for the first time in about three years and is as nasty as ever. Went down with Heidi, Stu and Mark after Kinky Boots on monday night armed with a digital camera. We found it suprisingly quick compared to how long it used to take and ventured in where I told about how Aleistar Crowley used the place for his black arts worship mumbo jumbo. We got back to the car and tried to watch the footage back... which only showed us entering the woods and nothing more just a blank disc. Went back up tonight to see if we could spot anything else this time with Martini, Dicky, Oli, Ricky and Ben and after finally finding the place in the piss wet rain I told them also - this time nothing freaky happened but we didn't have the camcorder. To be continued? Well as long as it doesn't rain on Stu...
Also had a random phone call from a guy called Rupert who told me to "stay away from my boyfriend bitch your f**kin number is on his phone" to which I said "Ok...?" and he hung up. Omly thing is the only person who has this number since I got my new phone that I send those sort of texts to is Richard so a little jilted with my jinxed past...
Also saw Rhia and Beths kittens (which are UBER cute) and had muchy chinese buffet up Mr Chans with Katie, Jenna and Jase which was a nice get together for a change!
Off to bed now as it's way past 10pm :D
Wings xXx
Her name is Pennywise - and this sort of wiggage is as close to Drag as I will get
No piccies but plenty of vids on fone - will take pics next time but Rhia's is a lil runt called toots. Soooooo cute and crazy only 9 weeks old. Blessshh
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