Of November, Jack, Who's Your Daddy and Singstar!


Well as promised we have a few slight overviews due for the last oh lets say few months. So I'm going to do a very quick recap of what I remember of November last year...
There's a new member in the Bobby and Ben household. November saw the entrance of Jack the Kakariki Parakeet. He's a lil cheeky and does like to mutter to himself but he's started to show his clever side by talking to telephones and carpet bombing us with Vodka Bottletops. Oh and he has a habit for swooping at Paul - titter.
Of course we had Guy Fawkes night with all that firework malarky so it was off to Auntie Glo's and Uncle Nellys for a display of Asda proportions. Yes there was a lovely spread as usual and not of the usual variety Gloria offers too; she was wearing trousers. No we thought it would be awfully good to get £15 worth of fireworks. Or should we say roman candles. Yes we revelled in the hilarity of writing swear works with sparklers for the neighbours and placing bets on whether the next rocket would either a) go off while Rob was lighting them or b) put next doors windows through. To say the fireworks had no idea where the sky sat is a lil understatement. After cremating the hyasynths we carried on getting jolly and seeing how much of the firework code we could remember - thrilling!
Many an evening was spent both at Chateau de Pansie (Paul and Steve) and Maison de Mimsey (Ours) for riotous acts of Singstar and listening to Steve claim his buzzer was rigged. Yes of course it was and strange how it always seems to be his no matter which he's on!
Me and Shelly also re-discovered the joys of Benny Benassi with our new question for all things work based "Who's you're Daddy?" (ceramoniously followed with the squeal "You're My Daddy!") as well as the usual bitching and bloke bothering.
I also had a chance to properly clear the air with Martini on a night at the Club (which are getting fewer and further between). After an hour long chin wag and catch up in the Tuns I think we both got to an understanding and managed to put a lot of rumours to rest. And then we got twatted until 5:30 am - huzzah! It's been a while since I managed such a feat but needless to say it was well worth it especially with Martini, Markivieve and Miss Burgerclit!
So in true Novemebr stylee, Ride the Walrus!
Wings xx
Gosh, I'm not sure whether anyone should be allowed to have that much fun. How's Stoke?
Stoke is all kinds of fun thanking you very muchly! Kinda like your blog - love the super hero stuff and Stropon should pay close attention to the Crumblies thread. Thanks for the heads up - I'll be over more often!
Cheers, glad I found yours too. I grew up in Kidsgrove, so I'm always interesting in hear what's going on with Stokie bloggers.
OMG - I'm a Kidsgrove kid myself - born and bred in Whitehill. The wonders of blogdom huh?
What's it like in the real cities of Britain?! (stares with glassy eyes in wonder)
Really?! You probably walked past my old house on your way to the sprawling metropolis that is Kidsgrove town centre. I lived right next to the graveyard on Attwood Street. Nice.
I drove through recently and was pleased to see Bee Jay discounts is still going. I really thought someone would've said something about that name to them by now. Still, the old jokes are always the best.
I should know - I just turned 30.
Hahahaha - oh yes THE place to get your slippers and plant pots... or not. My sister lives on Attwood Rise in the flats there so that's scary! She loves the graveyard by night too.
What on earth could possess you to leave such a rich and lush environment (besides the need to get a life outside of inbred central)
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