Of Smitten, Apple Sourz and Nuns...

Well... where to start? Oh wait I think I'll begin with my new favourite subject. Mr Locker. Aka the perfect match. Local? Check. Sane? Check. Same age? Check. Down to earth? Check. Cute? Check. We won't go into much more detail as doing that on here tend to jinx these things in much the same way a well placed Julie does (lol) but suffice to say if you've been anywhere near me since friday you would have heard the rave reviews on this guy. If you haven't then you obviously need educating...
Had the best weekedn EVER which started friday at the club with Martini, Dom, Charlie and Rob whereby this time I didn't throw up in front of customers nor make a tit of myself. Instead spent most of the time (to quote Cat) "eating face" in trendz bar. A part of any healthy well balanced diet as you may know...
Sunday saw a real comeback for the sunday social. On deciding to leave the cinema for a week or two we (me, Martini, Rob, Oli, Dom, Charlie, Adam and Bex) ventured to Aruba for bogof cocktails, JFK for £3 rounds of apple sourz and the club for such dance 'classics' as Music Man, Okie Kokie, Gang Bang and Conga. I'm being serious was like a primary school disco minus the game of tag and with the bonus of Scary (Sue) Mary who insisted on getting her doughy baps out for all to see and flashing her arse. Although we have to wonder as to why Adam and Oli were both so interested in a 40+ year olds dairy sacks... scary indeed especially for the likes of Dom!
Had a pretty chilled night Monday watching Rob get plastered and propping him against tables while his mate Jamie FORCED black aftershock upon me (revenge shall be had sunday) as well as meeting Oli's Joey properly again and finding out he is actually a sound guy.
Spent tonight exchanging creepy stories with Charlie, Martini, Dom and Adam while watching Sister Act (a first) and most haunted. Then watching in horror as the child and Dom didn't 'get' the 'Comedy Side of 7 Days' (disgraceful).
In other news Ricky and Ben moved into Chez Gays, Julie has officially been incarcerated into the sunday social, Charlie and Adam are having a flingish-drunk-thingy, I set up most of my deals at work for mates rates and Dicky royally pissed off everybody. Everywhere.
Plans for this week include payday friday so big shop as I'm off work for a week as of thursday, dressing up as Pennywise from 'It' for fridays halloween party and having another reunion for sunday with the additions of Jamie, Joey and my Lil Sis Rhia :)
Bring on the sourz,
A very high flying Wings xXx
Well done on the man catch! U deserve it!! Sister act is the best... U may beable to hear me on a fri/sat night hurling out my rendition of "I will follow 'immmmm... follow 'im wherevaa 'eeee will gooooooo!!!" while in the bath! Anyway, I really must get out while Im still holding my tan from Thailand as Ive been banned from the sun beds (queen!) so its gonna fade pretty quickly! Soooo, if u could just knock on my door and tell me how brown I look, that would be great! Thanking you muchly Mr Wings!
Heylooo there stranger! I hereby declare that you join us on the local sunday social this weekend while we're going through a recruitment drive to replace the recently departed NeeNee, Bex and Cat from our group. We need the new flesh methinx especially if it's khaki brown :) so are you up for a trawl from 8pm this sunday?
And pray tell who and why are you banned from the beds of UV?
I am banned apparantly theres nothing glamerous about lookin like somethin outta "attack of the killet tomatoes!" I may actually beable to make it on this Sunday especially if it is cheap drinkage..! I will let you know closer via bloggage though! :)
Hear that kids? 'Stylish'! Woop :) Thanks Sara. Glad you enjoy the social finesse of a bunch of drunkern British mimsys lol. We're an innocent lot really. Feel free to steal the slang - a lot of it tends to be 'stokie' because of the area we hail from. All bow down to the mighty oatcake... AHEM.
Will keep checking in on your blog - muchly fun read and uber funky sense of humour. We like :)
Go check her out y'all!
W xXx
Stylish?!?! I saw u in ur clowns gear last night and I wouldnt say that stylish is the word that i would use... hehhe!! Was extremely pished and think that due to over excessive drinkages on my part and flu a la "club" I wont be coming on Sunday.. Can only stomach the place once in a blue moon now! But my dear wings, have a drinky for me and the wifey! :) MWAH!! :) xxxxx
Verilly we shall get merry upon the tipple of russian folk. IE blotto on vodka-booze :D
Pity looks like it's going to be another stunner!
And yes, we is stylish apparently. Not gonna argue that.
Wasn't all that good truth be told - was pretty flat! But was very tired and last weekend is going to make the others pale in comparison for some time.
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