Of Passports, House Hunting and Bombshells...

Howdy all! As promised another update before the first child is due...
Has a really good night in last night fuelled with strawberry laces, cookies, sherbert spaceships, marshmellows and vodka. Martini, Tom (the new squeeze), Dom, Madam and Aaron came round for a long overdue film night to watch 'The Broken Hearts Club'. Hugely underestimated film that no doubt Sherrin can recite off by heart because it has more than the odd homo in it. Sweet film if you watch it. Which I'm glad I did so with Rob a few nights back as the others only saw the titles and the credits due to lots of jaw (and wrist) flapping. Plenty to catch up on.
Also viewing a few more places and registering with more agencies tomorrow for our new pad so fingers crossed there (and an afternoon booked off work!) if anything more QT with my Bobby :)
After much resistance I have also finally unleashed my blond streaks again. Feeling the need to embrace the impending British summer (all 6 1/2 hours of it) I decided to leave the dark winter look in the bathroom and emerged a thorough surfer hair poof - woop!
All in anticipation for the holiday of course (7 weeks toay) which you will all no doubt hear plenty of AND be updated on while we're away as there's web access. I spy green eyes. Actually more relaxed now as my passport has finally returned even if I do look like the caption underneath should read 'I won't bomb your country honest' but who has a good passport pic? Okay, flashback there for a mo' thinking of Patsy from Ab Fab in the one where... never mind...
Off to the swimming baths now then a sunbed to start getting the real beach look in shape. Hope everyone is dandy fine and please start posting on here again. If I don't keep feeding my social life it will roll over and die :( (stropon, Ade, Muffin et al)
Wings xXx
Well! I had nearly given up on you Mr wings!! Nice to see your back and a' flappin'! Must see some peoples soon!! Dont go too far when you move (obviously out of gayville but not too many streets away!) Why oh why do u need a bigger place anyway!? U not telling us summink? Art thou pregnant with bambino?! Good to see u back anyway Mr! Say ello to Rob altho have never met him! :-)
Hola stranger - bizarre how you live 50 feet away and we never get to see you!!! Can you tell us if there are any digs available in your block and which number so we can hassle aspire? Rob is with child although I think it's his vodka fuelled 'love tank' :) would be cool if the gayage was concentrated in a smaller area methinks lol.
How's you and your fella? And are you ever going to grace the tiles again?
Hehehe! I have a funky feeling (or should that be funny... Hmm..)that the one next door to me should be coming up free soon as the bloke that lives there got pretty badly smashed up by yoths in castle so is now unable to climb the stairs to get to his pad... Saying that, it may actually be a bought flat so may be up for private rent.. I believe the last time I saw u was when I was looking indispicably rough and you drove past and waved at me while I tried to hide under the car! Am glad that you are not planning on moving too far from gayville...it is a nice area to live.. (if u dont mind martin the gay transvestite in a block at 90 degree angle to me.. im not one to start rumours..!) Does that lad who used to go the club still live above u?! Ive not seen him in yonks so figured he had topped himself but but then again, me n the other half tend to go castle nowadays! :-)
Lets! Methinks pre-frst tipple is in order! And I'm sure I'll be blonder and browner by the time blackpool comes around if we're still going at the back end of march mwahahahaha.
As for the flat keep me posted or better yet do some fishing Adie! We're really wanting to stay in castle and Mimsey Maisons is ideal for what we both need. As for the tranny at number 17 you'll not see much of her now due to all the Tom sex. No more batman de-icing his Saxo... a story for my next post methinks...
Manchester this weekend and I'm actually looking forward to it. I may be forced to publish pics!
B xXXx
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