Of Canes, Pimps And Pyjamas...




Well the Clubs 10th anniversary is well under way this week with as many excuses to visit the Smiffy fancy dress shop as possible. Last night saw School Disco so we donned our favourite shorts, blazers and ties, combed down the hair and pulled our socks up until the circulation was cut off from our toes. Didn't make as much of an arse as last time I did school uniform (see 'Of Leglessness, Riding White Swans And The Great Escape...') but did manage to use my cane on many an ass and legs! Best £1.99 I've spent this week so far. It did however go missing at around 3am while we were playing on the park in hartshill and cleaning the 30ft slide with our behinds. Which of course meant walkin home in our undies. And ordering kebabs with no trousers on. THAT classy. Look out for more shaming pics with evidence this weekend...
Finally completed my pimp outfit today as well by finding a trilby, spatz and white gloves. Will be bargaining out the likes of Destiny (Neil), Destinys Child (Dom), Ariel (Oli) and whatever Martini finally decides on calling herself on sunday. Also got BIG slippers for the pyjama party on friday. Will be a comfy one at least :)
Other news so far this week - Gloria was spotted today mincing around in her brown jacket and blatently ignoring the hollering of my subtle self in the Potteries Shopping Centre. We shall have you about this Glo... My week off work has totally rushed by but have got the last of the week with Rob. I've also had all my remaining Club shifts removed so I think the next time I'll be on there is as emergecy staff for new years; hopefully my vodka tolerence will improve! And we also caught up with Hayley Jane Superstar now that she has returned from Sheffield and all it's stripping steel workers! Of for a fat bastard pasta in assuri now. YUM!
Ta ta for now you mimsys
Wings xXx
Yes Auntie Gloria demands more images in pants as we all strangly fascinated by what you keep putting down them given some of the previous posting from club.
Glo xxxx
Well there are more fleshy bits on the next post but not really the type you'd want to see...
As long they are not man boobs then Auntie G is open to anything!
how about man legs in a frock...?
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