Tuesday, April 12, 2005

But I'm a lady!!!!


It's official. Emily Howard and Vicky Pollard will be abseiling for the blind on either 8th or the 9th of May off the YMCA in hanley. Any support, mocking, stone throwing or rope cutting is highly anticipated and encouraged!
Other news: I can no longer 'kiss me teeth' as one of my caps has decided to didlodge itself (AGAIN) from the front of my face. Luckily said cap has been temporarily stuck back on but the dentist is playing funny buggers over a wavered bill... grrr.
Congratulations to Martinistoke too. After only two shifts he's already made a good impression as a hard worker to the managment and he's loving zipping around the bar for all the old saggies serving his finest blue VK (I said VK!!!) and headless lager. All this amid rumours that he is hung like a mule...

RICE!!!! (Don't kiss me teeth)


Blogger Wings said...

I shall be a lady! Sophie Lush has a dress and bustle she can lend me and neil from the club is gonna style a dark wig into ringlets. then i just have to put ropey makeup on without a mirror and find a parasol!
Will try for the saturday but is likely be the sunday because of work. Sure Sherrin will have a camera in the window mind.
I never have a problem squatting remember...
B xXx

2:38 PM  
Blogger Martin Rhodes said...

au revoir! o ben that will be hilarious! watching u fall from a 14 storey building wearing a basque and parasol in hand! its all good. i shall be there but i must admit u have more balls than me. there is no way u would get me to do that, have u seen how high that building is? it must be close to the world trade centres im sure!

2:57 PM  
Blogger Wings said...

yes, another laugh at my expense but it should be a pisser!
i do have one more application form goin if anyone does have the balls (excuse the term) to join in! I won't be able to take pledges in salad cream though Martini - just sterling I'm afraid.
Wings xXx

3:43 PM  
Blogger Martin Rhodes said...

what about hellans mayonaise? xx

11:53 PM  
Blogger Wings said...

Hellans (or Helmans for that matter) ain't sterling A Gay. If you must insist on pyment in white creamy fluids may I suggest your other job at the club...
Yes I'm lower than a worms tit!
Wings xxX

1:55 PM  
Blogger Colin Ayres British Fan Of Oz said...

At least your going to plummet to your timely death in a fabulous frock!

3:16 PM  
Blogger Wings said...

ah... always thinking of the important things ain't we dear...

5:14 PM  

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