Friday, April 22, 2005

Long time, no type!


Hola peeps. Well, what a tiring week! Worked 12hrs each day (except upon the wednesday when the Lord did rest) so not done a huge amount of anything else.
Bad news number one is I don't think Emily Howard shall be gracefully decending the goliath of a tower that is the YMCA in a fortnight as you have to have the sponser money with you on the day (£100 minimum). And would you believe it, people ain't so keen to hand over their cash before the event?! Big suprise. Poor planning on the blind methinks...
On a slightly different note, my boyfriend has decided not to repond to my texts or take my calls since saturday morning when I saw him last and it's now friday night. Which granted has me worried, confused (was it something I've done?) and pissed off (was it something HE'S done?) Given my ex-bf/gf catalogue adultry seems to be an all time favourite when it comes to my choosing a significant other. SO tommorrow night out should be fun. I have Martini eeking out info as I type...
On a more positive note it seems I may have actually secured not one but TWO large vehicles to transport my sexy adorable sofa from fair Warrington town! I'm whet trying to contain myself...
We also had a very happy run in with Theresa from work tonight when I covered a doormans shift at Red after he did a no show. For those of you oblivious to my new friend Terry, she's mad as a hatter with the face of an angel and the mouth as a navvy! She is so sweet with the customers but mucky as pie with the staff. Especially if you insist on wearing a penis. Examples of such are telling the boss Gary that she'd 'wiped her fanny round the seat' after he requested her to mind her minge on his loo bowl, and running up to me tonight with a gaggle of girls and licking the side of my face... TASTY! We can see me gettin on with this young Lady...
That's all my weary head can think of for now. Another saturday (two in a row, possibly three...!) off tommorrow so it's pampering and boogying till the sunday. If I ain't swearing at all men by the time I see Charlie again... Grrr.
Keep it smiley,
Wings xXx


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