Of Being Fluffy, Wet And Mostly Nekkid...

Well, I'm sat here in front of my PC at 4am saturday morning in my dressing gown stuffin me face with Apple Pie. Woop! Tonight was cowboys and indians a la club and to say I went a bit 'out there' with the costume is an understatement. I wore suede shoes, knee high brown cowprint tubes, a pair of fitted lycra shorts, cowprint flaps front and back for loin cloth effect, white body paint stripes and a headband with a couple of feathers in it; along with my new native name 'Sleeps With Cows' (oh the irony). To say I looked a lil camp is like sayin the black death was the sniffles. Never felt so paranoid or uncomfortable in all my life, but once Charlie (Runs With Fluff) got on the bar with me in his similar attire all inhibitions were lost. Cue soda fights, black bootie shakin, sexy pole dancin and any other moves that would show off our assets and creep Martini out! Absolutly soaking wet but still managed fit in a trip to asda after hours in full regala of about 8 fancy dressed peeps! Next month - angels and devils night. Imagine the Wings....
Am totally exhausted being as Dean stopped wednesday night so didn't go bed then and last night was visiting day so didn't stop till late either. Still lovin the new job though and passed my creditation today with flying colours so I'm on the floor as of monday (skipping 3 weeks more trainin) EEEP!
Achooo, I bid ya'll goodnight
Wings xXx
Had a good night too - we ain't spent time together properly in ages and ya really bucked me up so thanks chickadee! Left instructions and a message on your blog (your virgin comment, bless) so I wanna see pics up soon! Feel free to rob my profile idea, Martini has and God knows I've stolen a few off stroponstoke!
Le Singe Dans Ma Chausette!
Wings xXx
Will do, thanks for the offer dudette! I'm ea still if you need me too... glad we had a laugh! Ben and Jerrys is suprisingly all gone but sure I can restock for next week. Send me a recent piccy of yourself too so I can profile ya and show the mimsy collective yer pretty mug!
B xXx
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