The Week In Which The World Went Womph!

Well, thankfully topped the week on a bit of a high thanks to being handed my baby 'Trendz' bar in the club last night and tonight - we got shakin, droppin and spinnin a la cocktails and had an absolute blast albeit miffed I missed my shift on main bar with NeeNee and Martini. Has really helped distract me to get back in the club and just have a GOOD time at work. Gettin nervous now for monday but lookin forward to more frolix and hijinx with NeeNee like tonight in the tuns!
Spoke to Davey Lane tonight too for the first time in about three months and considering the last meetin I had with him was the above pic he looked a lot better - was worried he was ill before but apparently it was just work gettin to him. Miss seein the fella (in a matey way) and got wrists slapped for not texting him ON THESE TWO WAY MOBILE DEVICES but made more promises of catchin up again soon - won't hold my breath bless him.
The whole Kiki thing (as avid readers will know) got turned tits up, flipped out and inside out sunday when she found this page for a day (see previous note to self), following which were several 'disaproved' questions, statements (apparently I ain't from 'this world') and randomness via text. And each one I replied to seemed to either escalate the matter or do no good - like pissin petroleum on a forest fire. Bad thing is, now mutual buddies are seemingly being dragged into the fold as well as the influence of booze+mobile phone = major headfuck. And once more I'm made out to be the bad guy. Personally I wanted to leave it be for her to think about what she'd found out etc etc but now I wonder if the whole thing was ever really a problem, with that sorta solution...
This ramble is probably Martini's fault due to the talk about the big 'D' word. Fearing the reaper, 'D'ing alone and 'D'ing single were all matters we conteplated over custard donuts and iced fingers as well as first loves and the illusive ONE! Yes, Martini and I can be as shallow as puddles at times but we have our meaningfuls too...
I'm off to bed now - 6:45am - with a hot choccy, a purring Kitty and Lion King 3. What more could a guy want? Night night
(reflective) Wings
cheap shot - but we commend you on the effort bird! Wings will warn you however that this website is full of cheesy monophonic tunes for you to guess - so if you're in work turn the speakers down...
B x
Any more reflective and I'd look like the glitter ball pony out of the latest Goldfrapp video hunni - yes all good fun. It's the alone part I ain't fond of although judgeing by a few of the characters I've come across of late think I'd probably be better off smellin of limewater openin my pension in a rockin chair on the porch sans significant other...
As for fishin I've been put off of late - those tickets for Tibet came thru!
B xXx
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