Virgin Trains - As Handy As A Chocolate Fire Guard

Mmmm, chocolate fireguard... yes anyway. Dear reader, I am currently sat in my sexy bachelor pad feeling a little tired and full of chinese food. What could possibly be wrng with this picture? I'm supposed to be full of chinese food at my fathers in Derby. However, after being told by the ticket salesman at Stoke-on-Trent station that the train on platform 1 was mine I rushed onto it only for it to pull off and announce it was a London Euston train; next stop Milton Keynes. Cue panic, followed by fear (no cash on me at the time) then anger. After being told by a rather rude 'train manager' (managing god knows what) that I would have to get off in MK and he's deal with me later, I sat on a luggage shelf for the hour long journey trying to warn my Dad. After he got wind of it he complained to customer care (he's the type to demand a free holiday to barbados for the inconvenience) and rude blond asswipe gave me a laundry ticket signed by him to get me back to stoke. Via Stafford. With hour waits on each platform. Cue a six hour adventure from 3pm - 9pm and now I'm pooped and not looking forward to my next train ride! If it wasn't for Ricky textin me and makin me laugh I woulda decked the fat business man sweating and answering his 'crazy frog' mobile (I mean really, STILL) sat next to me (or on me with his arms).
Decided against the club and watched a DVD instead gettin fat and tryin not think of the last few days/weeks/months. Decided to go holiday shoppin tommorrow so I got somethin look forward to and then it's club workin at the weekend then new job trainin starting monday - I can't WAIT!
Roll on christmas I say :D
(choo choo) Wings xXx
I'm gonna go ahead and say NO to public transport - think I'll take the jet to see my fave camel toein brickie!
B xXx
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