Of Flaming Nekkid Men

Woke up yesterday feeling less than human believe me and not at all up for the shopping fest that was manchester. This wasn't helped by the fact that Mr Hole In The Wall refused to give me any more than a £20 of the substantial amount I have in my account so was unable to rape H&M for my retail therapy session too! After being there for all of an hour and a half I left early after purchasing a few starbucks coffees, a comic and a sweat band. Woopdebloodywoop!
Came home and sunbathed for a while wasting texts talkin to Ricky and tryin to do Bo' Selecta impressions over sms. It's actually harder than it sounds!
Then met up with me Uncle John who's visiting from Inverness (who I can talk to bout anything and everything so we did) and saw Fantastic 4. OMG. Jessica Alba (Sin City) getting down to bra and pants and Chris Evans (the guy out of 'Not Another Teen Movie' not the ginger millionaire retard) getting naked/topless at every oppurtunity sure bucked my evening up. Followed by a bit of Eddie Izzard and a couple of jars down the Rigger where we met me mum and Glen so not too bad a fnish.
Feel far more human this morning and my Bo' Selecta texts have improved ten fold. Still texting and emailing Kiki but it seems like a bit circle of statements whereby it's repeated constantly what was said before so dunno what think of that situation.
Off to Derby tonight to stay at my Dads and get my ass whooped on the PS2 by my 8 year old bruv Patrick - I lurve bein the big kid (a shock to many of you I know but heyho)
Wings xXx
Ahhh, I believe blue hampsters are the cure for flaming camels phoenix...
I seem unable to keep up with my relationships either as each one seems to crash and burn in an ever increasing display of fireworks and explosions. But it'll make a GREAT book one day (I believe we called it storage heaters in my hallway didn't we stropon?)
How tempted was I to call you straponstoke just then... hmmm
I refuse to impersonate anything to do with kareoke or Elton John however I will have as much to do with Chris Evans (banana up the bum guy remember) as possible. Phoenix you gotta agree you'd wanna 'flame on' with him too...
B xXx
sorry not been in touch for a wee while, have only just recovered from the booze fest that was sunday!
my god ben how bad was work monday morning! thought i was gonna slip into a coma
i really am getting mixed up with ur love life these days dayle.
belt below was that - rearrange accordingly dear. Far as I kno the ones that became head fucks were already that way and all of mine are of legal age and still have most bodily functions in tact. In no way shape or form am I Dayle you smut peddling homosexual gay!
However, I'm having trouble keeping up too...
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