In Three Words...

You know when you're doing the flirty-getting-to-know you texts and they do the inevitable "describe yourself in three words"? Well, it's about as easy to fill out as a little blue box on faceparty. So to get an honest P.O.V. I phoned a friend (well text) and asked for their opinion. The response? 1) Dependable. Quite a good quality methinks. 2) Blond. As in the hair colour not density. As you can tell this person aint known me long as I change my hair more than my bedding (and I certainly don't sleep in a pit of pubes, skin cells and cat hairs unlike SOME I could mention). 3) Freak. FREAK! When pressed for an explanation they assured me it was in regards to my 19 bodily tricks which have proved far more popular at parties, drinking festivities and gatherings than Brandons contributions!
Needless to say, I didn't forward these onto Kiki (or Bob, honestly gals) so I remained GSOH, bubbly, hypo, honest, loyal, friendly and we popped trustworthy in there too. Let the arguments commence! Squirm worthy I know but need all the help I can get these days!
In other news an electric shutter dropped shut on me at work causing much squashing a la Indiana Jones. Now have icky ribs to match my bleeding ears and nose and the scratch marks on my sides from falling down the stairwell. Looks like I've gone toe to toe with Linda Lush when I get nekkid.
And on that note I bid you goodnight readers!
Wings xXx
GSOH, bubbly, hypo, honest, loyal, friendly
why on earth did u describe me to this girl? i realise i am ur idol but PUT THE FISH DOWN!
martinibianci xx
LMAO! Well Martini if you think you could cope with a real lady and not a pair of guys who hang their chests up on a hook after work (coughrubyandlindacoughcough) then be my guest! Who knows, my mates get everyone else LOL.
B xXx
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