Wings - Strikes Again

HA! I am officially licensed to say I told you so! He needs to sort a lot of things out dealing with himself, issues over ex blah blah blah so I was right to be as paranoid as a streaker in the snow!
Can't say being right feels good all the time mind.
B x
But the little green men say they are!
Yeah, chilled. That's what I'm feeling right now. Just gonna get in the bath, play some thrashy music and go get hammered tonight with Martini methinx. Just found off I got a week off too between jobs so am offering my soul up to Marcia at the club for muchy shift pattern!
And I got an electric diary dear - whatcha think this is? Wholesale goods? LOL.
Will look for an electric dairy for my birthday tho...
B xXx
Sounds like a plan Feelin like shit recently and yesterday helped seein people who I ain't had chance to in a long while. Need to surround myself in friends.
As for you know who and you know what (Craig and Simon respectivly - respect, HA!) the first instance wasn't in and the second instance was in lockwood street whereas we were in the heart and soul of york st south (ie the rigger side) so you would have been quite safe.
B xXx
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