Of Uppers!
C H E E S E ! ! !

There's nothing so good as feeling absoulute lower than a worms tit depressed and then having your whole environment shift over a period of days! Brief recap - wednesday saw me have a very good night out mauled only by the fact I got shit faced and told Youngun I still liked him and how I wanted some space get my head over him (again we only had a couple of 'dates' but still dug the guy at the time) although lookin back the whole situation was probably blown wide open because of how desperate my relationship status appeared! Anyhoo, after a day of hidin up my own ring we managed have a quick chat and everything is honky dory as mates and I'm still doin what I can set him and NeeNee up (brave lad).
In the meantime I find two songs to really lift my spirits - 'High On Emotion' by Thomas Falke and 'Feels Like Heaven' Dario G. I advise anyone who feels slightly pants to get these choons NOW because they are the next best thing to a cure for cancer!
THEN a lil birdy tells me that a girl from the BBQ (see burnt offerings) who I have had a crush on since meeting her briefly last summer also thought I was ok! Cue big yay from Wings!
So went out tonight from work (I would be the speeding cloud of dust heading towards the distance) with Emz (the birdy) Oli and Vicky (or Kiki for short). After much awkward sober dancing from the pair of us, one 'almost' kiss and Oli's own 'renditions' of queen songs we managed to cause a lil murmour or five from the surrounding people by her proving she's a very good kisser. Hence, beaming cheesey smile and a planned date (suitable for a pair of 8 year olds I might add) for thursday!
Am also officially into my final week at RG3 so will no doubt be a pain in the arse come saturdays leaving do. I will warn all club patrons that I plan to be tres mingin!
So there you have another week in the mind of wings - my bed has still only got a couple of pillows to hug for now but got a date with a funny, gorgeous 19 year old police lady in 4 days time to look forward to!
What is there REALLY to frown about for long? (that my dermatologist would approve of anyway)
A very positive Wings xXx
Ben is currently on his stool - will that do? Funny you should mention DIY as I finally chose the beading today for the flat so my week off on monday shall start with a hammer and nails session. So Kiki is working her wonders already.
Fear not however, one shall remain the same as ever, especially for the upcoming Stellafest (squeal)
You shall all approve of Kiki in time, although it has to be reported that sister Joan refuses to answer my texts after witnessing saturday night :D
B xXx
cant beleive u have announced to the world that my teeny weeny was flashing to the wind last friday!
revenge shall be had!
MWAHAHAHAHA! Feel my wrath martini, as well as the breeze!
I'm sure Kiki will be most grateful of her Bobness, as if there weren't enough genderbendinnames out there (no offence Glo). I'm glad paople like martini are welcoming her with open arms. Mimsy.
B xXx
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