Of Burnt Offerings!

There's a bbq on the hill can ya come? Bring your own tins of lager and a water gun!
Wings shall be hosting the second social event of the calendar year to celebrate sunday. Because. Just because! Well, I haven't had one of my traditional shindigs yet this year and thought it was high time for a big get together. So lets rape this sunshine while it lasts!
I'll supply the food as much as possible and the event shall take place in front of fag towers (Mine) about 5ish till late! Y'all welcome but notify by text or tinternet so I know how many bangers to fork! Your drinks are your own responsibility and water pistols a must!
Be cool if you could all come especially as at least 30 have said yes so far by phone alone.
See you on the Lords day,
Wings x
It's 2am. I'm wet. I'm smokey. I'm pissed. And I'm full of pasta. Live the dream. Thanks to all those who turned up and to the rest of you a plague of syphillis upon your households ;)
Wings xXx
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