
Name - Alexis Sadler
Alias - Lexx, Lezza, AAAALLLLEEEEEXXXXX, Alex, Miss Faghag, Al
Age - 22
Residence - Gayland, Brighton
Profession - Part Time Layabout Ex Student Scum
Favourite Pose - Cross Eyed Pissed Look
Trademark Fashion - Black, Green Silver. Nuff Said.
Smokes - Faghag In More Than One Sense...
Drinks - Martini (The Spirit, Not A Gay)
Loves - Dirty Poofs, Gay Clubs, Gay Lives, Gay Gay GAY!
Hates - Viggo, Sorry Margo, Mingers, Keepin Her Tits Covered
Role - The One That Got Away With Bad Timing Issues
Most Likely To Say - BEEEEEEEEN or You Aint Ma Mavva!
Least Likely To Say - What A Sensible Blouse!
You mean Joel?
Let us speak no more of him...
B xXx
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