Of Feeling Like Heaven...

Well, I've had a few texts enquiring about thursdays date so lets start there. WOW! Met up with Kiki (who now knows of her 'Bobness') at fiveish in wetherspoons. My refusal notwithstanding to enter the chained premises we spent a pretty awkward hour in there before heading along to watch Madagascar at the flix. I've forgotten how good it feels to be able to pratt around with, hold hands with and kiss someone in public. Had a wicked time there before heading to mine for an episode of Little Britain (cue dodgy impersonations, "I'm a lady!") and Moulin Rouge. Watched about the first five minutes worth and spent the rest just talking about anything, everything and nothing. Was sooo kewl find that we had so much in common and we're on the same level (scary to think of another me with longer hair and different pieces I know but stay with me here). Lots of tickling, teasing and cuddling to fill the evening with before she went home to leave me smiling SO cheesily.
Spent the night in the club for Charlies birthday (to which he didn't turn up, oops) with Oli and covering Destinys toilet breaks (of which there were many believe me) on the decks so got to see what a thursday is like a la club. Not too bad. Did the usual harrassing of policemen in asda after escorting Destiny on her dairylea dunkables mission (much to Oli's amusement) then chilled at mine watchin Lion King 3 doin massages for them both in my thru lounge as Destiny de-trannied to NeeNee again! So all in all a fun filled day that's made this lil b-sexual feelin pretty darn good!
Just finished my last (flat) shift in Red too as I'll be covering the Noahs tommorrow for Sonya then it's the leaving do so I forwarn you all of a slightly anneibriated message around 4am online...
Wings xXx
well now ive heard it all. as u can gather im not very impressed and best friend status is shortly to be stripped.
just kidding hun, hope it works out and u have lotsof babies etc.
oooh the thought, wheres that sick bag!
Imagine the pick of our litter! And I shall be having firm words with miss Jeffery about startin THAT comment off...
No we're the sort of couple that has children lookin at us weird cos there's two young adults watchin madagascar while bein daft and tickling eachother in plain view... LOL.
Believe me too, make the most of PDA's when possible. My name ain't Craig Robinson...
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