Of Personality Tests...

Here's a little something keep y'all amused for 5 minutes. If people post their answers on here I'll tell you what they mean by monday.
List your favourite animal and TWO words to describe it without using colours or names
List your second favourite animal and do the same (no colours or names)
Give two words describing the sky (no colours or names)
Give two words describing the ocean (no colours or names)
Give two words describing white water rafting (again no names or colours)
Blue Peter badges to be won, send your full details on a large SAE to www.wingsstoke.blogspot.com
Wings xXx
Here are my answers ({try not to copy anybody elses as you need to make this test your OWN answers)
Animal 1 - Cat, athletic lithe
Animal 2 - Parrot, talkative intelligent
Sky - Cloudy, Massive
Ocean - Deep, Cold
White Water Rafting - Adreniline, Danger
It's all in good fun dear... X
Okies - considerin Martini and Youngun have had this done on them in person (due to their flat out refusal to be arsed to type) here's the answers. The descriptive words for animal 1 is how you see yourself, animal 2 is how you think others perceive you, the sky describes your outlook on life whereas the ocean describes your view on death and WWR is how you rate your sex life! Feel free to do as I've done and blag everyones head for answers! Funny stroponstoke should describe death as 'flat'... here's me thinking it just had a plan. And Ade has told us his bedroom 'active-ities', thank you dear
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