... And Then There Was Sunday...

Woah! Where to begin? Sunday was a little less anticipated than previous ones due to the D-Day sunday with the whole Dicky and Rob thing (too much phlegm, not enough lovin) so wasn't really expecting much. How wrong I was. Me, Martini, Oli, Dom, Dan and Grace met up in Aruba for fun and frolix in the window chav spotting, then onto a few bars (including JFK - thanks Aaron for the specials!) for triple vodka red bulls so by the time we reached the club it was all blurry and very hyperactive! Had the best night in Bar2 EVER and that isn't me bein dramatic (we leave the drama to the real queens) - it freakin rocked. I even managed to dance full force to... *whispers*... steps... I know stroponstoke will be proud.
We all ended up on the pavement outside tearin Linda's trousers apart and laughin at her offerin a flash of her testicles through what was left of them to any unsuspecting taxi driver - laughed so hard it hurt. Ended up back mine for burgers, massages and DVD's with Dan passin out on the couch and Oli me and Adam crashin on the bed. Never went to sleep so decided pull an all nighter by gettin in the bath at 6am and ready for my first day as a vodawhore with little sleep and Red Bull Shakes!
Got powerpointed to death and a lil sleepy but lovin new job already - lots to take in and trainin is intense but having a good time AND REAL HOURS!!! Worked the club (still not been to bed) monday night then managed 4hrs sleep last night before work today. Gonna have an early one too as methinks sleep would be a good idea... all in all a lighter and shallower blog methinks! If you fancy a dip in a little more depth (and find out stuff about certain Bee's) feel free to fly over to www.stroponstoke.blogspot.com where Steve is having his own reflective sessions!
On a slightly serious note I hope Martini is okies with his family stuff and 'a bsexual' loves 'a gay' very much and is here for him whenever he needs a sesh! Right, serious bit over, Muffin is makin me all Mimsy-like
Wings xXx
Oh there's no blurrin a testicle of Ms. Lush... poor guy didn't know what had hit him in the taxi!
Glad mother is proud - it was a 12minute megamix so much fun had by all!
Love the questionnaire thingummy btw
B xXx
Yes, it's not at all like me to do such a thing!
As for blackmail, I have no shame have you read this site and seen some of the pics!?! LOL
B xXx
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