Of Bollox!

Yes that is the title word for the last few days. Bollox. There are a few more too but they would turn this page into an adult site. Friday was excellent - soda, fluff, feathers; couldn't fault it. However after bein abandoned in the club wednesday, the talks from thursday that made me more than uncomfortable and saturdays dibalacle of a day left me with moral dilemmas and little strength to actually go out on the night I'd booked off for Oli's birthday. Actually stood at the bus stop before changing my mind and heading back in feelin flatter than Robin Cookes pace maker (so rry is it still too soon?). Que timely arrival of Katie with chocolate ice cream and vanilla donuts for a disney night and long winded laughs and reminicing. Sunday was another poo day to follow feelin guilty having not gone out only to be dragged out returning Charlies keys and forced to drink pints with Martini, Dom, Bex, NeeNee and Dean. 8am monday start wasn't too hot as you can imagine, nor was the 9:30-1am shift that followed straight after at the club. Found out Richard (Dicky) was taken ill with his Chromers and kept in for observation where he remains at the hospital tonight for camera in the guts thingy. Managed to buck him up with well placed tweety pie inflatables and car bumper signs so gonna grab an early night for tommorrow - with his parents bein away me and Dan are takin turns babysittin him around work. This while the other staff from the club text us on how smashed they are on the trip to blackpool. ROLL ON SFT05 ptII!!! I need to party hardy out of stokey! :'(
Not makin coherent sense now due to lack of sleep, bein pi55ed off at children and coffee comedown.
Lots of luv n sh1t,
Wings xXx
Thanks lil lady. It's what everyone has said really guess I feel a bit stoopid for not figurin it out sooner. Deleted all contacts with them anyhoo - phone number, messenger, faceparty etc. Is worse than givin up ciggies lol.
Bring on the fest!!!
Will see Dicky again later everyone so post an update tonight.
B xXx
is it me or has benky got the body of a sex god?!?!?!
It's you dear, or the lighting ;)
ArrrgggggHHHH Ohhh and Another argggghh!
No I haven't found Brandon in my bed!
Not you're Blog too!
God damn mother fuckin' band width hogging retarded mother fuckin' adverts!!
Love Glo XX
Hmmm, it seems I too was riddled - HOWEVER I may have some lotion left (it was next to Sherrins potion)
Can't wait for Stella you guys and gals - I oft think of her during slumber too...
Wings xXx
oh i let out a short sharpp squeal just then... 2 weeks to go...
Wings xXx
GEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK , how very random if i do say so myself.
Geek to the core dear and proud of it you big gay. Chris has just confirmed blackpool! Woop!
B xXx
Had a guddun too - and I think you'll find Martini calls me the geek for good reasons!
B xXx
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