Of Canals, Pigs Blood and Chicken Ribs...

Hola and good afternoon gentle folk of world wide basis. Being as I'm about the only soul up and about with the ability to sit at a computer desk today without a seizure allow me to fill in on the weekends shenanigans!
Arrived in manchester at 12ish yesterday for a quick shopping spree (funky pants, beanie and vest thy name is H&M) and off to the hotel for pre night drinkies. After seeing Miss Lunt and Dave Lane mincing the streets (of the northern lands) and more showers than a MFI sale we set too in bars like Via Fossa (all stairs, no floor) AXM (apple sourz but stronger woop!) Churchills (think the tuns if Ruby had cash) Spirit (pretty but quiet) and Queer (a la meat market). However at 1am and after trying to keep the pace with hardened drinkers I found myself chowing down on McTuckys chicken and spitting ribs out all over the street heading back to the hotel. Once there I (apparently) promptly passed out on the bed only to have Rob, Jamie and Kim "worry" about me as they proceeded to strip me, throw water over me, tickle my feet and laugh at my boxers. Thank God for the NHS...
This morning I was fresh as a daisy as the others complained of pounding heads, churning tummies and little appetite as I tucked into a greasy spoons breakfast (I must have been hungry, I ate black pudding!). An OJ and a mocha frappucino later and we were back in stoke on the peasant wagon home nursing my Bobbys hangover.
It's the cinema again tonight for 'Fun with Dick and Jane' with the old gang so will just leave with a BON ANNIVERSAIRE to Mr Stroponstoke (hen pecking hubby of Miss Tiara Stroponstoke).
Toodle Pip!
Wings xXx
Nooo.. Dont go and watch that film! Its the worst one Ive seen this year.!!! A very poor effort by Mr Carey unfortunately.. Id give it a 3 out of 10..
Wibble! Too late, we saw, we tittered but it was nothing life threatening. Most of the funnies were in the trailer anyhoo. Want to see just friends, rumour has it and another Jeniffer Anistone film that looks (for once) pretty bearable. Oh and Aeon Flux.
Of course X3 has had me moist since last summer...
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