Sunday, February 26, 2006

Of Parties, Goldfrapp And Champagne!

One has been quite the busy bee this last month or so. Properly settled into the new pad with the Bobby enjoying the fact I can't touch the ceilings by standing up too quick and can't touch all the walls at once in my bedroom!
Went to see Goldfrapp last Saturday at the Apollo in manchester. After driving around the city centre for a good half hour or so and getting directions from such kindly folk as car park attendants and ther 'Lady of the Northen Shores' (Miss Lunt) we finally got there with a good hour or so to spare. Absolutely fantastic concert and they did so many good tunes we were all up grinding in our seats. Even got madam in on the act by leaving tracks on his answer machine while he was at work!
Had the flat warming last night forgetting how many people we'd mentioned it to which meant a good 20ish showed up. Got to mingle with Stropon and hubby, Madam, Gloria and Nelly, Dom, Mum, Auntie Gee, Julie, Jamie, Kim, Adam, Big Mark, Lil Sis and her hairy friend, Mattew, Matt and Queen Bee. Much flowing of vodka, bud, Moet, apple sourz, goldschlager, blavod and other evil smelling stuff with the only fatalities being one of the glasses Mr and Mrs Davenport brought courtesy of Julie-slagg! Other gifts recieved included Racing Snails (oh yes), glasses, pink bubbly, plonk and rubber ducks which makes me think everyone sees us as animal loving alcoholic kids (pretty spot on really...)
All headed to the club at 10 after much rowdy renditions of 'Delilah' and organising of buses for more merriment a la tuns. Madam managed to get preyed on by Ruby in his attempts at plying free booze out of her. This backfired however when he was to paraletic to run away from the attacking trannie. In true style me and Rob left before the 1am deadline making sure Adam tried not to decorate the kerb with a hotdog but the most suprising part was the fact that Paul and Steve actually managed to last LONGER than us! Think they had a good night as Stropon was giving the Princess flick on the dancefloor.
Got up this morning a lil groggy but eggy dippers changed that as well as calling Madam to check on his head. Apparently he passed out on the stairs after squealing to his mum to pay for the taxi lol. Also Glenn wasn't sure if she'd had fillings removed after finding pieces of goldschlager on her gums.
Also to the owner of a pair of black leather gloves, they're under safe keeping in the middle drawer! 4 days until Gran Canaria and I'm pretty psyched up. Start packing tonight and get my euros on tuesday. Will try to update before then but tinterweb still not at hom,e due to crappo BT.
Till then fare thee well elecctronic travellers,

Wings xXx


Blogger Wings said...

Fabbyola! Was pretty good carnage abound. Adam was so bad sunday at work 9-6 at pet store then 10-1 at club bless.
What time did you guys leave?

4:03 AM  
Blogger Colin Ayres British Fan Of Oz said...

Fabulous evening at you el Gay la flatty!!!

Some thing is coming 06/06/06....

8:55 AM  
Blogger Adie said...

Black leather gloves?? If they were rubber then I may be making judgements on you Benjamin! I am only sorry that I missed the cumming together of all the gays (and the julie) for the biggest bash of the year! I hope the new pad is well.. If there is room for a little one, let me know! :-)

10:19 PM  
Blogger Wings said...

always dear, always :p

1:18 PM  

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