Of Casualty, Retards and Cocktails...

Well, what an action packed weekend we saw at the club this weekend! Friday saw yours truly floating (going between the bars for assistance, organising glass collectors etc but floating sounds camper apparently) on what started out as a pretty tame night ending with Mick Gamble (brother of ex employer) being escorted out at the end of the night by all the doorstaff alongside his son Terry. Was called down to the mens loos only to find Gert was the guy who Mick had punched. Cue my first aid course finally became usuful again. Patched the eye up in reception alongside triage nurse Bex making jokes and doing everything ok. Till suddenly my head went light, I felt cold and sweaty and my legs went weak. As most of you know I ain't got the best tolerence for all things icky (we leave that to sister Paul) so made my excuses and de-gloved before stumbling into the staff loo and gracefully passing out sat on top on the can. Oh the irony. Managed to get Gert sent off in a car while Mick taunted and beat customers and taxi riders alike before we had to get the police out. All kinds of fun 13 of us hiding on the stairs in the dark at 3am...
Saturday just seemed a night for absolute fools and rude people! Was in Trendz on an understaffed night with plenty of gobby or retarded peeps hollerin at me from the bar. Refused to serve a total of three people by the time the night was thru so muchly happy get home in the end but not before having a scream with NeeNee, our very own calender girl... llok out for your own month of Destiny in a store near you soon (probably that dodgy vender outside burtons in the shopping centre round christmas time).
Other than club sh1ts and giggles managed to do some grade 'A' spending this weekend although we behaved and saved enough to one side for the pool of black - 12 days to go! Dicky is out of hospital too on new medication making a full recovery so be sure to lock up your sons, fathers, brothers, uncles and any other family member with a pulse and a penis (though not necessarily in that order).
Bex's housewarming do tonight and it being bank holiday weekend we can see the 'Singstar-athon' and 'twister-dance-fever' (we owe you Sherrin!) to last into the wee hours! Watch this space for news...
Wings xXx
get it off get it off get it oooooooooffffffffffffffff!!!!!!
Is anybody picking up on any subtle suggestions here... ? Cue evil laugh. Oh and I'd like to see you attempt to upload THE video you massive A Gay ;o)
Wings xXx
Cheers hunni - we hope you found the profiles especially informative... LOL. Val Stella shall be ridden like a bicycle no doubt come the weekend of the 9th.
And yes, Cowbots and Indians night was full of frolicks, ice and soda - the perfect ingredients you'll agree! Look out for Angels and Devils mind...
B xXx
less riddle more news - whatcha mean someone got to him...?
is somebody tryin to scupper the plans!?!?!
B xXx
"LISSY get me some fuckin' extra strong fuckin' mints not POWDERY ones".
I am sooooooooooo very lost right now - tu quoi?
I'll try a tad less subtlety "Bacardi NO ICE!"
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