Of Blackpool Indigestion...

Oh yes, for those of you not yet over the weekend to end all weekends (be it through tonsilitis, being smitten again or Stella's one liners) here's another snippet from the wings library archive. Look at her mounted on her swing... GLORIOUS!
Went to see '40 year old virgin' (amongst many a joke on a certain person we think the film is based upon) and gotta admit it's a really sweet film, as well as being very funny! Due to the onslaught of SFT05ptIItbsb as well as a busy night for the understaffed club on saturday, the sunday social was only attended by myself and Dom. Such slap dash lack of presence from the rest of the staff shall not go unrecorded despite such lame excuses. Especially as it was the first decent film we've seen in ages (coughcoughthecaveandredeyecough). Fell into bed sunday after a quick banter with Charlie and Adam up the club then work monday.
Spent most of it texting adorable sex god Richard (the guy from blackpool, not Dicky) arranging our next meet and fielding questions to my unknowing colleagues about the 'pu**yfest' that was blackpool. Monday night was another jinxed journey on our national railway network and I officially despise peasant wagons with a whole fresh venom! Stayed at my dads overnight then went shopping in Nottingham today with my step mum. We were most impressed at the next clearence store, their burtons and the mecca of all casual high street wear, H&M (cue choir of angelic creatures). So it's back up there at the end of the month with wages (of which there is hardly anything left post Stellafest so thank god for weekly top ups a la club).
Keep smilin kiddies,
Wings xXx
Yes well we don't ALL live in twee abodes with our significant others... So we're allowed to tramp it up Blackpool stylee.
Yes, smitten again (I hear you all groan) although the only negative we can find on this model is location and my lack of personal transportational devices, ie a small scooter or something...
Unlike the psychos, children, lying cheating bar stewards we've attempted thus far this year lol.
B xx
Well, less blubbing and more booze than BB so it'll do! We actually think this one has promise but shhhh don't tell the gods i just said that...
Oh how very... HOMELY for you to have hanging garden vessels above your entrance - pansies or ivy?
I'm a leafy palm person, there's nothing I like more than admiring a healthy sprout peeping by the television!
And I'm sorry but I'm far too working class to know what Groehe is... sounds like you'd need an ointment for it anyway.
Mmmm, pusscular!
Wings xXx
Dear Stropon
Feel free to inform the gods although you may find they 'work in misterious ways' when it comes to people who use hanging baskets in their exterior decor!
Love, Wings
PS he aint seeing the blog until he passes the 1 month mark lol
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