
Name - Richard William Porter
Alias - Ricky, Lil Dude, 'The Missus' (not mine of course)
Age - 18
Residence - Sneyd Green (Don't Pretend You Dunno Where It Is)
Profession - Ex Student And Potato Botherer
Favourite Pose - The 'Can-You-See-Any-Boogers' Angle
Trademark Fashion - Inside Out Seams, Beanie Hats (Yay)
Smokes - Once Upon A Time He's The Naughty One
Drinks - Vodka, Any Flavour And Colour, Preferably Large
Loves - See Agent Benji!
Hates - Potatoes, Queens, Interviews, Paranoia, Dial Up Connections
Role - Fellow Trisharite And Similar MSN Tramp
Most Likely To Say - RICE!
Least Likely To Say - Anything Remotely Rude
*SQUEAL* YAY! Oh the fest is upon us, like a looming shadow of JOY over our heads. She stands, proud as ox and just as wide. She sings with the softness and grace katrina. Oh, I am SO there this weekend. *wipes single tear from eye*
Cute new entries? We know not of what you speak dude there's always chicken afoot! Plan of action for saturday is bar b, flying handbag and flamingos. We'll have our phones on us so can stalk you electronically!
Had a few people drop out after I paid deposit on hotel mardi gras if anyone wants to take them up - is only £18-£22 per night b&b and is smart ikea type place with very late cheap bar!
Wings xXx
Hoorah! for the sparkly singing singing Camel Toe weekend!!!
No sniffing of her box please, I'm quite sure old Stella is already at Mardi bursting with anti........ cipation!!!
Glo XXx ( Hack cough, splutter just in case anyone from work is on this blog!).
Well my nan just text me saying 'have a good time and have a big hotdog for me'
Nan yuo great minx have you been following Stella too?
Wings xXx
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