Of Green T-Shirt Wearing Hairy Chested Bastards...

Hello all! Finally recovered from blackpool this afternoon (thursday!) and legs are no longer acheing. However, the strict diet of full fried breakfasts and chips have played merry hell with my skin so although I may have turned 23 last friday I still have the complexion of a 14 year old!
We don't give a flying fudge however as I've been eagerly tapping text messages into my new phone to the adorable Richard all week, and my 'ten' has been 'smite'! Yes I'm officially doing everyones head in with the fact that I'm really into this guy and the only factor that seems to be against me on this occasion is distance - which has never stopped me in the past (re: Vince). So it's all glowy bits and bluetits unless Stropon has a word with 'those Gods'...
Just had a night round Martini's with Dicky and Ju after a lemonade with the guys up tuns. Watched Mean Girls and forgotten what fun it is (Lindsey Lohan pre-emaciation) and the numorous one liners Martini was famous for back in March. All good fun.
Have also signed on for GNVQ's at work - if only for the fact they take about 3 months to do as oppessed others I've done and you get a quick £50 just for completing them so that'll go towards the Liverpool trip on the 14th... the next city on the mimsy ivasion tour!
Other gossip includes Julie and Gen finally getting it on after years of pent up dyke frustration, Joan fancying Adam (who doesn't it seems) oh and I may have mentioned a guy from Warwick uni I've developed a major crush for... ahem.
Wings x
Probably, she is royalty after all! Did she pre book her tickets then?
The 'garment' is now at the bottom of the wardrobe relegated to the 'rag' pile for next time I have a cleaning stint. Your comments have, as ever, cut deep stropon..
And yes by kidneys are actually filtering again after recovering as well as my optic sandbags and 'youthful' skin!
Oh by the way I met this guy....
Yeah you know the rest no doubt.
Mo Fo
thats because u have a big lesbian crush on me! lalalalalala
oh beni, i can here them al coming screaming back to me!
cue lots of mean girls quotes tonight!
martini x
Hmmm, I can see my 1 off glass collecting shift being somewhat whimiscle 'A Gay'!
You are after all too gay to fucntion at times. Have you found a dress on river island website yet?
indeed i have, its called the chiffon and its the height of chic and penache! and unlike dame stella artois, i wont just be a man in a dress!
All My love
Connie Lingus
That ain't your drag name SURELY!?!? LOL. Still think Bianca suits you, all you'd need is a bottle of chavskumloganberry with a straw in it top it off!
Have you found the boots yet?
For those of you worried about the impending queerness of Martini, please note it is in preparation fro the drag ball that he is browsing womens wear, picking breasts and practicing walking in 4" heels whilt ironing... honest...
And don't ever question Stella's iffeminate nature, albeit lacking!
A BSexual x
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