Of Coffee, Breaking and Entering, Dr Dolittle and Getting My Hair Off




IT's been a busy couple of weeks for my poor feathered apendages. So sit back and get a coffee on...
Went to Sherrins last wednesday for a bloody good catch up. It's been ages since I sat with the Queen Bee balanced on her haphazard furniture, surrounded by cats, DVDs and pieces of ham. Miss Taylor and Dave came too and we just looked at photo albums, planned vigils in various monastaries and jails around Britain, touched upon the subject of Blackpool and more than once mentioned how we never get to do this sort of thing anymore. I can honestly say I probably saw more of Miss Bergvist when she lived over an hours bus ride away in Crewe as opposed to a five minute drive or 3o minute walk up the road. Scandalous really but after giving the club up again (more later) I think I'll have a few more free night on my hands. It was also the last chance I got to see Dave Lane who is full of the joys of moving and starting his new job away from Stoke. We wish him good luck!
Another much needed catch up has been with Joan. She recently moved into her own place in Norton with stunning views, elderly sweet old ladies, his mum round the corner and his menagerie of pets! Bluey the blue staffy bull (I'm sure we ALL know of him...), Maxwell and Patrick the cats (or Max and Paddy), two goldfish and two stick insects. As ever he's done the place up stunning, especially when you see the before and after pics! Plenty of ideas for my next place anyhoo...
Last saturday ended up in the club (as per) with Rob, Oli, Scott, Dom, Matt and the birthday girl Gemma. After turning everyones tummies with JoJo's website and not my cocktails for once, we piled into a minibus and met Gem up town. For once she didn't finish the night on her knees hiding from doorstaff on the dancefloor. In fact she ended up helping Joey hold me back from decking Aaron (general ass-wipe, pill pusher and friend buyer) who had upset Scott. I've never really got on with Aaron since last september time so once I'd had a voddy or two and managed to convince Scott to stay in the club and not get forced off I was more than happy to air my view on the Ike Turner wannabe. Ended up at home singing Kate Bush on Singstar with Gem. She has approved of Rob (which really makes a first!) so I guess we're officially allowed to go out now!
Sunday was spent breaking back into York St as Madam had locked himself out AGAIN on the last day of him living there. Lot's of hammering, chiseling and drilling later we were finally in rewiring manilla looking wall fittings and rebuilding the door out of filler (like play-doh for big kids). After making sure it was all sorted we left the flat bare and empty and smelling like varnish. It looked just like that first day back in May of 2004 when I first moved in. Kinda gutted really remembering back to having Chloe, the failed BBQ, a few good parties and my first real place to myself. Luckily the lady who came to survey it didn't seem to realise that there was £400 worth of heater missing from the living room after a decorating spree in 2005 so thanks to Madams papering think I got away with that one...
Other than all that me and Rob have decied to keep tabs away from the scene again for a few months. The place is getting full of bitches, drug heads and kids again so we're gonna spend the summer in normal bars up town (where you can pee at a trough in peace!) and only go the cub if need be on the 10th for Rob's birthday. It's a pity really cos' you usually feel out of the loop but with catching up with friends and Inverness at the end of this month it should be fine.
Besides, how does a group of gurning freaks with perma-tans in a shoddy room up hanley compare to Jeremiah and Edinburghs cheap as chips tipple in it's night time glory?!
Speak to ya'll soon,
Wings xXx
Erm hello! I said we were celebrating your mothers ill fated conception not the anniversary of it thank you!!!
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