Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Of Buzz, Sky And 50 Inches...





Good day to you all! Had half an hour between laundry so thought I would pop a quick update for you keen readers (!)
This month has mostly been about getting new toys for the living room. Me and Rob were finally fed up last sunday of our TV whistleing whenever it was on for longer than 20 minutes due to the amount of wiring for dvd players, freeview, speakers etc causing feedback. So we popped over to festival park down the road and thought we'd browse at what sort of TV we could get in the summer. We came out of Comet half an hour later having bought a new 50" tv. We now have to stop Chris from trying to get into the flat as he keeps thinking it's the odeon... it's freaking massive. But fun for games and mtv (or foozeball if you're Bobby). Of course this prompted Rob to convince me that we needed sky for the world cup etc in the summer. So I'm now waiting in on my day off for a nice man with a big box. Luckily we get it all half price rental anyhoo due to my vodafoneing but now I can watch Dexters Lab at 3am if need be!!!
Had a night out with Stuey, Heidi, Hayley, Matt, Jamie and the hubby the other saturday up the club. All gathered at ours and exerimented the crushing of fruits and vodka in the blender as well as doing plenty of apple and raspberry sourz. Lovely. Had a buzz tournament and it's definatly better when there's more of you to scream out answers and look befuddled at some obscure 1960's tune (that ony Rob and Jamie will know... oh dear). Ended up somewhat smiley in the club dancing like a loon. As per.
Also had a bit of a guddun sunday night after seeing the APPALLING Scary Movie 4 up in Bar 2. Didn't drink much but did manage to topple a chair me and Matt were perched on trying to get away from Dom's boogers... classy that he is. Also ended up trying to stop Rob being cheeky wth coppers and stealing Madams goggles!
In other news Madam is getting a lil lonely living in York Street with his gremlin... I mean cat... so he's moving in with Mattchu on the 1st of May. This means I'll be forever handing back the keys to my old pad and Adie will be sharing old mimsy-ville with Bush Arse. Envious much Stropon?
Also Martini has moved into Tom's place and given up York st. Unfortunatly another crap cat impersonator (Porcha) has joined them so I wish Tom all the luck in the world. Is a nie place really in Middleport with all the rooms looking out onto the canal. I've been assured the geese at 6am aren't so twee when you're recovering on a sunday.
Jez has also popped back from Edinburugh and taken a lil interest in Madam. Cute especially as he's now thinking of moving back to stoke but not before Me and Rob stop off in Edinburgh on our way to Inverness at the end of next month!
That's all I can pull off the top of my head for now so until next time, toodle pip!

Wings xXx


Blogger Adie said...

didnt recognise Jez.. Where did that hair come from!? :-) ... I cant believe all the gays are leaving me.. Funny though, I never see any of em anyway.. I think they wait till night time until they come out.. U know what theyre like.. them gays.. Sneak out after midnight n that! You have no idea how common Im feeling right now stuck in lockwood street!! Gotta get out of there soon.. Its no longer gay ville.. Theyve all fled their liddle gay nests... *shouts* Come back ya bastards!!! COME BACKKKKKK..... *cries*

1:43 PM  
Blogger Adie said...

didnt recognise Jez.. Where did that hair come from!? :-) ... I cant believe all the gays are leaving me.. Funny though, I never see any of em anyway.. I think they wait till night time until they come out.. U know what theyre like.. them gays.. Sneak out after midnight n that! You have no idea how common Im feeling right now stuck in lockwood street!! Gotta get out of there soon.. Its no longer gay ville.. Theyve all fled their liddle gay nests... *shouts* Come back ya bastards!!! COME BACKKKKKK..... *cries*

1:43 PM  
Blogger Adie said...

Just wanna add.. I didnt post the comment twice.. It did it itself.. I work as an IT helpdesk analyst I have u know.. We dont do silly things like that.. We sit around all day solving really difficult IT issues (reboot solves any problem) and tinkering with bits... (i wish..)

1:45 PM  
Blogger Wings said...

Well here's lil old me thinking I'd had a lot of feedback from pople to find it's Madame d'Adie treble posting on me lol. I beleive Jez fashined the hair from one of Sherrins old soft toys - he had wet it a bit by that piccy so looks a lil 'Craig McGloghlan'! And yes, those vile homos do tend to creep about at night in their batman outfits (Muffin).
Remind me not to call you as well if I have a technical problem...

10:50 AM  
Blogger Wings said...


THAT was uncalled for...


3:54 AM  

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