Of 06/06/06, Peeling and Princess


Well we're climatising miserably to the local weather again. However the chilly winds and piddly rain doesn't help the preservation of the tan any cos' I'm peeling like an orange :( Cue my latest embalming in vaseline intensive care!
We're also deeply disturbed (as usual) by the ever darkening presence of Gloria and her enigmatic chant of "Something is coming, 06/06/06". If anybody has any clues what the hell our bespecaled alcoholic friend has to say please write ideas to
Eagerl awaiting the arrival of her Madge herself. No not the aging haggard yank-turned-brit Madonna but the most royal Princess Stephanie of Liverpool who shall sweep into stoke by train carriage around 2pm. No doubt much drinking, dancing and larfing tonight followed by the mandatory barfing through your nose over absinth and eating cold pizza at 5am :)
Oh Joy!
In other news Ricky and Agent Benji migrated to manchester, Oli had a full service of my oils and waxes (as in massage and hair tips of course!), Bobby is getting mucho comments on his tan, Madam has made my old pad freakin gorgeous, A Gay dabbled in pills (naughty, slap hand) and also received fake tits el costa along with Dom; neither of who would stop playing with them and planning a bra shop... scary dirty trannies...
That's all I can think of for now. Internet has finally arrived here at Chez Gay so pics uploaded tomorrow night hopefully.
Till next time, toodle-pip!
Wings xXx
Please accept my humblest apaologies my soggy weathered friend. I suppose it should be pointed out that I did use two poles in a seedy nightclub to dance with a rather ropey drag queen to 'Hung Up' while popped up on sangria while abroad. Video evidence was destroyed on Bobbys phone however it was a packed room... :(
Hmmm Omen sounds good. We were thinking of popping down odeon to see if 'Hostel' is as good as they make it out to be. Would our resident Jonothan Ross have an opinion to share?
Being as Madam has now 'decorated' his new bedroom with huge Madonna posters I'm sure he'll be interested in watching her bend, flex and girate on stage!
Actually, your reviews would be a welcome spot on here fella if you get chance again!
Will defo let you know asap but not sure if it's gonna be me and the wife or dom and madam too.
Wasn't huge on Saw myself but not seen sequel.
And needless to say they FINALLY released the full X-Men trailer while we were away.
No I'm afraid it nothing to do with the omen either dearie!
Where will you be 06/06/06 x
Arrrrrrrrrrrgh! Two things to drive me nuts - 1) I need to know all I can from that 10 minute reel you saw Mr C and 2) Why should it matter where I am 06/06/06?!?!?! You jammy sod (Chris) getting to see that clip. And yes Mr Foster who plays Angel was in six feet under and apparently was in an episode of QAF USA. I prefer the guy who plays cyclops and colossus mind... ;)
We never ended up going flix sorry as Bobby Locker has Man Flu so may reschedule for thursday. Will keep you posted but let us know if you see it first.
B xXx
Ooh Dearie we have got our nickers in a twist haven't we!!???
Where will you be 06/06/06?! x
Well. It's a tuesday so no doubt be in work.
YOU STAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oooooh, to be a flix manager! Got the angel piccy already but ta dude. In fact I'll put some more on here if you like. the trailer has him on it too but you probably seen the full one already.
B xx
Middle Walk Incident? Quoi!?!?! Hibernating dear is that what we're callin poor upkeep of your social diary? Browness is fast washing off in the acid drizzle of stoke. I feel another party is due here soon though be honest as the last one was so good. And which comments exactly do you regret? Surely nothing to top the green vest wearing hairy bastard comment of yesteryear...
OK. Gloria, Stropon - FULL EXPLANATIONS ON RESPECTIVE STORIES PLEASE!!!! Middle walk incident? Wet Trousers? 06/06/fucking06???
I'll say nothing of your penetrating stilettos...
Love and toots,
B xxx
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My dear I have grown to be one of the most evil trannies this side of the wicked witch of the west (and Sweaty Legs Diamond) and have not got here by giving away my deep dark secrets. To meer queenie demanding.
No Strap On Stoke, Middle walk has nothing to do with it.
Nor is it anything to do with the pending StellaFest 2006 either.
Although one must add we really all ought to be talking dates rather soon, on when we can do it.
As I feel I need my yearly fix of pure old Stella.
On your Stilletto's Strap, your having trouble trying not to sink into block paving with all that weight arn't we dearie.??
Lots of love and Death.
How very Dare you.
It will be just the right day for it 06/06/06!
Is it a birthday? Must as I cringe to admit agreeing with you oh venomous one we do need to start jotting down dates for STF06! I'm feeling withdrawal symptoms of ropey lady-man and belting hits sang an octave or seven too low...
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