Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Of Inverness, Propellers, Sleazer and X3



Much to write again tonight folks as I feel a lappy gums moment coming on. First off was the highly celebrated birthday of Madam who is 19 years young (bitch) and we celebrated in style mimicking all those sad slappers you see in a white limo glugging cheap cheap fizz and asking the driver to "Bond St Pats" (much to his amusement). Also the programme that has the nation gripped. Love it or hate it this has to be the most addictive BB to date! We've got rid of scary as hell Shabaz, stinky hippy Dawn, George the posh stereotype and Bonnah (and everythin). We've seen Sezer for the chauvinistic cocky prick he is (please go friday), Lea is really just a tart with a heart (love her), and now know what it's like in the mind of a child trapped in a 24 year olds body (Nikki the tantrum queen). Thankfully Rob is as sad as me although we were starved in Scotland as we spent the friday night watching Bonnah getting the boot from a bar in Edinburgh with Jez and the missed the saturday show to watch X-Men 3 in Inverness with my uncle. Which was totally worth missing my new pet project and the 2 year wait. What a film! I was in geek heaven spotting the cameos, random deaths and the lil clip after the credits (twist turn etc). Defo the best yet by far! Although gotta say the thrill of watching winged men crashing through windows and Jean doing her freaky phoenix thang was nothing compared to the heart pounding experience of getting on board an aircraft that used two hand held fans to keep it 25'000 foot in the air. Prop planes should have been abolished at the invention of the jet engine but no. Some fool decided to fly one on the way to Edinburgh in the rain and wind and.... meh! Was cool seeing my 20 month old cousin for the first time though - even if she did take more of a shine to Rob. He actually has a pretty strong untapped maternal streak too by the looks of it which was cute to see displayed on something other than a labrador pup.
Well my head is fried thanks to this grotty cold that seems to have gotten into the air con at work so I'll sign off now and update more accuratly laters methinx (and when this crap ass computer stops freezing when uploading pics). Till then tataa for now peeps
Wings xXx


Blogger ThinkingCowboy said...

What on earth is Lord Robert doing with that ghastly rubbish on his face? He is supposed to be a masculine football player dammit! Not some jibbering health spar twit. Verily I shall take it upon myself to see an end to such sissy nonesense!

12:14 PM  
Blogger Wings said...

see to it that you do - I must say I'm damned fed up with his mismy wrist flapping and mincing ways - RAH!

12:58 PM  
Blogger Adie said...

Hope u dont mind but I added ur link to my blog :0 x

7:05 AM  
Blogger Wings said...

Go ahead dear- If I knew how to I'd do the same for you :p xx

1:01 PM  

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