Sunday, May 22, 2005

The A-Z of Wings part I


In true stroponstoke stylee I'm going to totally rip off his latest idea but concentrate on one letter in particular - 'I'; or me me me me ME!
Well it's my blogspot what do you expect?!

A - is for 'A Gay', a close friend and confidante otherwise referred to as Martini; or that whore from behind the bar whose reputed to be hung like a mule!

B - is for 'BSexual'; apparently I don't prefer the 'i-' due to my refusal to engage in threesomes anymore...

C - is for 'Chloe Cowbag' the best kitty puss in the world. Far better than some unmentionable cushions that eat, shit and squeak coughPorshacoughcough!

D - is for 'Drawing' a hobby I get little chance to enjoy since being shackled to RG3 Leaisure Ltd. My talent eeeks for a spurt (ooh er)

E - is for 'EEEEEEWWWWWW' the noise usually made by most mimsy-folk when they see my winds standing on end!

F - is for 'Freak Like Me' my bestestest favouritest song in the world baybee!

G - is for 'Geek', alas I am a geek through and through (they're not toys they're highly collectable figurines mother)

H - is for 'Hugo Dark Blue' ones fragrance a la eau de toilette dahrling!

I - is for 'Ikea', or mecca. Or the place where they insist on holding my sofa hostage for the last 12 months! Has anyone found me that cement mixer to transport it yet?!?!?!?!

More on the way (you lucky sh1ts!)

Wings xXx


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