Monday, May 02, 2005



Sorry I've left this so long (again) but thought I'd better post to keep you all up to date on my facinating life!!!
As you might have guessed from 'recent' posts Charlie and I are no more. Kaput. Phoot. Nil Pois! 14th Febuary - 24th April to be precise. However, not one to be deterred I've decided not to get hung up on the old fellow and we're getting along amicabley (if a little awkwardly) with eachother so at least that situation will fade.
Last week consisted of me throwing myself wholley into my work. I studied (after finding out I don't do enough theory; I'mthe kinda guy that likes to get stuck in - I'll say!) for lots of different wines and Champagnes. I sat up in the Noah's with Jeff doing rota's till 3am then pulling an AFD shift 9:30am - 12am most days so I've not really had time to do much of anything else! It's also helped me realise I really love my job. I enjoy doing what I'm doing and after being made to feel like shit around a group of Keele Uni students out for lunch (you know the type, born with plums in their mouths, a fiat up their arse and an intolerence to any real alcoholic beverage) I've decided to think F**k You to all the indebted snotty ones who have to do a masters just to escape the inevitable 'real world' situation. Unless of course we're talking about the type of student like Martin, Soph, Kat, Will etc who are just generally a good laugh (and a pizza!).
OK, heavy reflective side over, you'll be happy to know I did another quick stint behind the bar at the Club saturday. When I got there at 12 Marcia had a sweat on and Paul looked as though his supository had slipped so I offered to don a badge and do some rounds. Little did I know I'd have a sparkly fairy gay-tee type thing which Sherrin undoubtedly loved! It was just missin the hand/paw prints...
Other than that I've blown another wad of money in the sales (Gap, Republic and River Island for all you fellow bargain demons) as well as buy a shitload of DVDs off tinternet! Especially prominent is the disney collection I'm building. I reckon Gloria must have sneezed her spores over me at STF05pt1 when she was in the Noahs Ark Steam (not my pub you understand, the kiddly ride).
So it's the end of three day weekends now for a while but hopefully work will settle down enough soon that I'll be more regular on here.
Oh and thanks for the note stroponstoke put on his site - ta babe!

Keep smilin, I'll keep flappin'

Wings xXx


Blogger Wings said...

I shall choose to refrain that information until people stop takin the mick outta my snoring...
Let's just say I had a 'comforting' kiss or five on the dancefloor with a rather handsome friend (there you go Martin, that good enough a mention for ya?)
And would this little bird in fact be a bee?
Wings xXx

10:03 AM  
Blogger Wings said...

Don't tell a soul xXx

4:31 PM  

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