Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Regarde La Menoo!


OK. 10:30 am Sunday 8th May. YMCA Hanley. You too can watch me gracefully (!) glide down the side of a building with Bubbles (have you tried the Montecarlo number dahling?)
Feel free to bring pledges and cameras!

Wings xXx


Blogger Wings said...

Refreshments available in the form of a full English Breakfast (a cup of tea and a pack of superkings) from Bee Central. Spread the word of the chaos. And mind the heroin in the grass...
W xXx

4:29 PM  
Blogger Wings said...

Alas, the blind screwed me over! I did however try to attend the decent of our chav princess Ellen but a late night and a dirty lie in beckoned instead. I hope the dirty lesbains didnt attack - although I think Sherrins curtains may pose a greater threat! B xXx

2:33 PM  

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