Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Me Say Boogle Boogle Boogle Bumble SQUAT!


Hello one and all, and kiss my teeth!

Well what a hectic week+ it's been! We've seen staff leave. We've seen musical productions hand crafted, moulded and DESTROYED by stroponstoke and his motly cast of fags, hags and slags. And we've also had a new young (20!) man stroll into the life of Wing's and made him all giddy inside.
Twas a little whispered fact that I am now seeing a Mr Martin Foote (not to be confused with Martinistoke as I did) a law student at Keele who hails from Surrey. He's cute, funny and pretty darn luvvable but then I'm biased so I'll let Soph and co. comment on that. I have felt I've had to play it low key in the club although my tri-monthly leave of the place has helped the situation somewhat but we don't wanna make the wrong impression or cause gossip. Saying that I'm denying the amount of fun I'm having with him either ;)
Enough sordid stuffs (ask Martinistoke if you wanna know more) another minor hiccup in the life of Benj happened monday when I was brought up for a private meeting with the director and the area manager on some gossip that had been flying around like a big burly bag of cowshit at work. I vehemotly denied all charges and demanded a retrial so I'm back in tonight with the other suspects to hear the final verdict. I remain defiant to the end. Or at least until 8pm...
On a better note I shall be taking the role of manager for a short stint while the area manager and manager of the White Lion takes a leave for a fortnight so expect front page news in the sentinel and pictures of ash mounds and charred corpses. The task shall be taken up by me and Ellen so Theresa will be in a lick of a treat!
Speaking of who she looked GLAM-AR-OUS saturday for her 50th (fifthtieth!) birthday party. A quick humming bird style tongue to the lips after her party we all commented how elegant she looked in her black dress and siver scarf accessorie. And how vulgar she sounded when she described what she was gonna do to half the staff in the cellar!
On a final note, a word to the wise - if you receive an email inviting you to take a 'sex-test' anytime soon feel free to delete it. I found out the hard way when all my personal and intimate details, specs and stories were handed to what I thought was a dear friend until that little trick was pulled. Negotiations are in process to thwart all kinds of blackmail...
Till the next time I have ten to spare,

B xXx


Blogger Wings said...

I hadn't heard that particular rumour, however I have heard about the trick with a loo roll, a lighter and a hampster... ooh er!

B xXx

2:53 PM  
Blogger Wings said...

Haha, it looked so fitting - a hot summers day next to a football stadium, smokin your marlborough lights and sat on the corner... say no more. Lets just say I got stuff on you too BIRD!
B xXx

3:10 AM  
Blogger Wings said...

so mote it be dahling. when shall we three meet again. i bagsee the title of slag im afraid!

B xXx

4:50 PM  

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