Sunday, June 19, 2005

Of Conifer Climbing Races, Lost Mobile Phones and The Police...


First things first - how cool was Ellens' leaving party? Shin dig and a half it started at the Noahs with her heartfelt words (or lack of) and then the club where it really was "fcuking roasting in here" thanks to our freaky heatwave we've had this weekend. Much sweating, hair ruffling, photo taking and Janes-boobs-smothering later we ended up on the dancefloor with a lot of pissed work mates telling the Chav Princess how much we love her so! Then there was a couple of people back to hers after for a personal affair and some tea. Yeah right. Ellen, Me, Grace, Graham, Anne Marie, Tom, Joy, Joe, Lukkie, Jay, Anna, Carl, Carey, Mark, Tom, Steve and Deakin all ended up very noisy on the back garden eating cold fish suppers (ewww) playing ping the pole (see previous post for rules and gameplay) duvet twister (ditto) conifer tree races (me, Grace and Jay proved our climbing skills on 25ft trees!) water fights, skittle-vodka drinking (2003 was a good year I hear) polestirein (sp?) sword fights and general havok! Being as me Tom and Carey were the only sober/unstoned/non-pilled people there we were of course of the utmost maturity. Which is why Tom was the one to answer the door at 5am to two police officers called to the scene of a public disturbance (apparently running across next doors shed from a hail of water from a supersoaker is dsturbing the peace in this day and age...). I must say I've never seen Anna move so fast as she did when I came to the back garden and told her the filth were at the front as she was half way through skinning up! Pisser. And all Ellen could do was laugh on her stairs saying she didn't give a sh!t cos she was moving within a month! Poor Emma! Cue a 7am taxi home for oatcakes and bed and there's sunday gone before you can say 'Yes Ossifer!'
Other than that Alex left us all to go to Brighton to get a pad ready for her and forementioned dyke Ellen. Martin left for Africa. I left my phone in a till at work which I can't get back until tuesday when Red opens again causing me to miss Stuarts birthday meal!Mum and Ree had a biiiig fall out but at least Rhia has a flat to view tommorrow and I didn't get the job in mongy congy but I'm waitin to hear from two others! Wish me double the luck this time.
In the meantime I'm gonna watch BBC News 24 to see if the latest report has come in from Spain on the recent attack upon the tourist destination currently called costa los stellas!
TTFN, Wings xXx


Blogger Wings said...

Elle returne!
How were the hols? Much sangria? DID YOU BRING ME A STRAW DONKEY?! and yes, that is the lightweight packaging material I was after although I was feelin tres thick that day. You still on for the weekend? B xXx

3:27 PM  
Blogger Wings said...

I think you mean an even regular shaped four sided object. I have premixed alcopop shit for booze. i am not in cocktail mode just now. And a stray donkey would look just as good on the hearth!

9:52 AM  

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