Thursday, June 02, 2005

Of Reflectivness, Connections And Woopsies... It's Another Essay Folks!


... and when we say woopsies I don't mean the aisle you all clamour for in Asda for knocked off tins of beans and out of date ham, I mean 'boy do I feel stoopid' woopsies! We were checking the MSN after work when "Martin - Feeling... Refreshed" signed in. Thinking it was Martini (as I thought Foote had blocked me) I instantly typed "refreshed from all the sex?"
The the picture of Mr Foote came up. I'm sure I only open my mouth to change feet sometimes! I couldn't have typed a better comment. Instantly said I had confused my Martins (something I'm sure a lot of people had when reading my last post) and he said "ok". And now it's hit me. Another person who I was close to thinking the world of has passed by. Albeit a really crappy way break up with someone I still kinda miss the Ashley's, Melissa's, Vince's, Dave's and now Martin's that I just seem jinxed with. How is it my perception of someone changes so dramatically especially in the latest case. You only have to see the previous blog regarding my exes that I seem pretty darn poo at picking partners since forever! So I reckon I need to force myself single for a long time and really get back in touch with my mates again. Weekend with family really did me good in a weird way too cos I wanna get back into seein as much of them as possible too. Fair enough my job rarely allows so much time off so maybe I need approach that differently too.
On a similar note, had a major pow-wow with Kerry to discuss how we're really gonna spend the next few weeks kickin ass at work by getting Red out there so here's a shameless plug to tell all you mimsys (especially the married ones) to get your asses in the venue at least once to spread the good word. Think of the children... or something.
Also many thanks to Will on legal advise I believe I'll be a darnsight richer in a month or so too ready to spend spend spend at SFT05pt2 and on the holiday planned with Martini too!
Also a big good luck to Alex who is departing the shores of Stoke-on-Ming to returnto Brighton on the 18th (no doubt she's shaggin Ellen) so look out for her leaving party asap!
Right, I'm off to pack for Manchester for sunday as I shall be fine dining with royalty Princess Stephanie (not the trannie, the merseyside based bisexual Steve - put your tongue away Martini) for his birthday and maybe a virginial night on canal st to see his 24th in style and mimsyness!
Sorry to all who have beard witness to the serious dawsons-creekesque parts of this post.
Night Night Wings xXx


Blogger Wings said...

Heehee. Being as I'm highly nnebriated as I type are lookin so so bad. My RSI is liable to compensation claims and my wanker-dar is gettin worldwide acclaim. Having sayin this we did have a peaceable text convo with Mr Foote regarding a coffee before he leaves for Africa so things are on a more amiccable note.
We had another shift with Theresa but that's for another blog ladies...
B xXx

7:26 PM  
Blogger Wings said...

...and this ladies and getlefolk is why I should have martini look after my keyboard when out on the ming. In the words of Ellen 'those drinks played merry hell with my guts last night'...

B xXx

5:32 AM  
Blogger Wings said...

"How To Spot A Wanker Or Innapropiate Partner In 20 Seconds"? Easy - follow me on a night out and you can't go wrong. God help Manchester tomorrow when me and Steve go out shoppin and drinkin...

HArecastle - describe this waitress lickin piss off a toilet seat?

B xXx

8:47 AM  
Blogger Wings said...

... I believe you left them under the gay-guy-who-can-accept-can't-accept-can-accept-being-a-mimsy-but-we'll-forgive-you-you-fit-fcuk-Kerr-Smith dear!
Scary thing is I was a young impressionable teenager (15ish?) when that was on and me and Vinca actually used to talk like them too... now I know why I wasn't so popular at school :S

...AND PEAS!!!

B xXx

3:57 PM  

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