Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Of singledom, games and thongs...


A week on and what a week it's been!

We had a fabby time at the beach party in the club with theeee shorts, thong and shirt combo which ended up with me being wrecked in asda with destiny, martini, ian, alex, charlie, anna, dom and bex... most amusing I have to say especially puttin dom on a till. I will admit I was rather chaffed come saturday morning mind - thought I was gonna sneeze and come home in slices.. ICK!
Saturday continued the club merriment with surprise visits from Beth and Rhia (sisters) and my all time best buddy Gemma out in the club with me so a brilliant time too then. Ended up gettin in at my Mum's at 6am just to get up three hours later sunday to help my uncles (who had travelled from inverness and brighton) to redecorate recently-sectioned-crazy-gran's house. This included taking wallpaper of exterior walls, paint off the garden and neighbouring chapel, retiling walls, puttying windows, sanding walls and papering. Lets say my testosterone was riding high, even if my energy wasn't. Spent sunday night recovering really which is sad but true.
Monday consisted of pizza hut with martini, bed shopping for him, surround sound shopping for me (along with more bloody disney dvds!) and anne summers shopping for Jeff (the duty manager) birthday with Ellen (cue an inflatable doll called 'mustafa', a big ben vibrator, nipple clamps, penis pencil sharpener and baby condoms all for £48!!!). Then it was back to the Chav Princesses (Ellen) for a rivetting game of 'hit the clothesline pole with gravel from approx 2 metres'. Oh believe me, this was addictive stuff. Till Salem the fanged cat started to shit in next doors garden so we legged it inside...
Spent the night having sex wees over my dvd player... twas filthy and gorgeous. Moulin Rouge never sounded so good and Saved is something to look out for (you listenin Queen Bee?).
Tuesday was a case of having blazing row with Martin (Foote, not 'tini') which included full running commentary for Martini on msn (confusing I know but you've read this far) with communications yelled over MSN, Phone, Text and Telepathy (ooooommmmmmmmm). Needless to say this is one of the messiest ends I've ever encountered making only two exes I now don't speak to. So after being really riled up I took a long soak and woke up this morning in a freezing bath of cold water... brrrr!
Today consisted of me being determined not to get too riled up over said pompous brat of a child and dig deeper with Kerry from work into who's in for the running of the White Lion as of August... keep those mimsy fingers crossed!

You read this far? How bored are you...., REALLY?!

Wings xXx


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