Of ripping off Stroponstoke!
As promised, Dr Ben Dover and his able Nurse Destiny Diamond were 'practicing' at the club Friday 24th June

Yes. I know you've all been BEGGING for a more detailed (have you seen the length of my recent posts?) view into the life of the Winged one. So here, dear reader, I log the days events. In no way shape or form have I even come up with this concept. All loyalties are to be forwarded to stroponstoke (including 10% on the book deal)
8:00am - alarm goes off on phone with a cheap polyphonic rendition of 'Hey Ya' that immediatly gets snoozed.
8:10am - snooze
8:20am - snooze
8:30am - snooze
8:40am - snooze
8:50am - snooze
9:00am - jump up out of bed forgetting I have eye rejuvination cream on and give myself pinkeye for the fourth morning in a row by rubbing eyes
9:05am - realise what time it is. throw choco squares in a bowl and kit-e-kat for chloe. Realise I've filled the wrong bowls. Skip breakfast
9:10am - Jump in the bath. Adjust tempreture for five minutes before crawling out with shampoo in hair still.
9:15am - straighten hair. Attempt to tame the piece near my fringe. Fail miserably. Look like a weasal just gave up on oxygen on my head.
9:20am - try to find keys for work. panic. trip over pieces of storage heater still in the hallway. swear. lots.
9:25am - run out of door with toothpaste dripping off unshaven chin. drop some storage heater bricks into the bush by kwik fit
9:31am - get told off by the boss because you're a minute late. Get squashed bread out of the door and clean leaky milk off the entrance. Grin. Bear it. Think of next job...
Oh my god. It's a novel in the making! Expect a straight to ITV movie version by next spring - probably with Robson Green in it at some point...
Wings xXx
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