WingsWas it a bird? Was it a plane? Was it a 6 foot 2 dream come true with backless nun outfit - I think so. Yes gentle hearts Stellafest '06 has come and passed us by leaving us sore, bruised and defiled. There was sickness, wetness, hand prints and keyrings a plenty. So let us start with the friday...
Me, Rob, Rhia and Beth got to the sunny littered shores of Blackpool in time for tea so it was a quick check into our respective hotels to see how much booze we could hide in coat sleeves, handbags and small mammals. The first thing I noticed in Guyz was the fact that the bar and breakfast lounge was complimented by a glass cabinet full of sex toys. A small branch of Anne Summers bondage wear if you will. To be fair our room was clean and pleasant even if you did have a shower in the wardrobe and no room to swing the resident 1 eyed cat (cute as it was). And yes, that sink kept me entertained into the wee hours. Rhia however complained about the fact there were handprints above the bed in their room and Beth thought it a crying shame that the butch looking hotel manager Steve had such a mince on.
Off to Harry Ramsdens for tea to feed the gannets and feel that lovely mud water at the front of the pier; it was safe to say we were knackered by night time to meet Paul, Steve and Colin at Funny Girls (fashinably late as ever). Rhia and Beth had their handful with Sperm in the cleanest possible way and Gloria made beautiful Betty Legs faces with his rather agile lips! After a mediocre show and burning heels it was off to Mardi Gras to Stella-spot but the only entertainment we saw there was a bizzare blond fellow giggling to my sister in a very 50's way and some 55 year old Butlins drop out doing very interesting Billy Joel songs. So home we trotted for an early one although we missed a Stella performance by 15 minutes!
Saturday saw the usual rides at the pleasure beach with Madam meeting us and not being too impressed with Val Halla, Rhia falling in love with the Noahs Ark and Steve going suspiciously silent mid air on Bling. All in all a jolly good Ponchoriffic day with a belter of a night to follow. Mrs Gobjob (aka mother) took Nellys place on the tiles and gotta say the new Handbag was stunning but the Flamingo is excellent - far better than the last one I dare say. With terraces, light up dance floors, bubble machines, fire breathers, spark grinders, go go boys, frosted glass bars and invisible steps it wasn't as though you were in blackpool anymore - a feat in itself. Madam took a fancy to a chappy who was taking photos for the club and sellin them as keyrings of which we ended up with six just so he could find out when he finished! Flamingos itself is on loads of floors all of which again face to the dancefloor in a staged effect this time. Me and Madam were the last girls standing returning home when the booze funds had run out and our trousers were covered in ticker tape.
Big thank you to all who could attend and Stella for baring her brick layer arse on the saturday. Yes we did manage to catch her for an hour or so on the saturday before Flamingo and even got a piccy of the buxom beauty shimself although we hope Stropon has better quality pics once they're printed! All round a freakin awesome weekend which I'm still feeling (in my shoes, tummy and the mysterious rash that's spread across my back...)
OH how we laughed.
We laughed
and laughed
Wings xXx