Sunday, August 27, 2006

Of Pride, Tickertape and Bumper Cars...




Just a quicky with updates from the weekend. I must say Pride wasn't AS bad as I thought it would be. I mean the mincers, gurners and kiddies with body dismorphic features still ran riot but there was a pretty good buzz about the place too because the locals were in a minority. I witnessed my first ever parade and found out it's not just about people looking like idiots in hotpants. They're the clubs floats like essential and cruz 101. There were youth organisations, police support groups, nhs workers, health awareness, parents of poofs and the usual political bumf headed by handlebar moustached marys. Was nice to see ordinary shoppers clapping and not just watching the freak show. Pity it's one day a year really.
Actually scrap that idea I couldn't do with being applauded fetching shampoo from boots...
Canal street was a little packed but enjoyed the fact you could sit outside and drink in the road and the evening was warm enough for the balconie to all be open (we need these more often). I even got to test my nimble skills on the dodgems although Rob, Adam and Kim were a bit too scared to go on any of the adult rides. We'll soon change that on Pleasure Beach. We also bumped into Matt who was a lil worse for wear so hope he gets well soon. I'm now nursing a bad back and may have had the worst nights sleep ever the history of pillows. I blame the nachos...
Night night xxx

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Of Weddings, Tourettes, China and Liverpool...



Well it's been another hideously long time since I last did a proper update on here gentle folk so thought I would snag time in between beating off eBay queries and the ironing (oh what an anarchaic little world I live in). We can also blame big brother for my lack of postage until now as everytime I've been online I've been checking on who has stolen the last teabag and who hasn't washed their vest yet... Gotta say BB7 got a bit shite towards the end so I suppose you really can have too much of a good thing. Boring characters were all that were left and I feel a bit miffed that Pete only really won because of his Tourettes as he did little else than bang on a few utensils in the last two months...
Anyhoo 2 weeks to go until the big birthday launch and to think it's been a year since our last little swarei to Blackpool. Yes I know I harp on about it more than most but I really am looking forward to it. Alas Christobelle and Sherrin cannot attend but we still have enough of a troop to storm Val Stella and provide cannon fodder for Miss Artois. It's also been ages since I last had a good boogie with my Bobby as I rarely go fancy hanley town these days. Having said that Manchester Pride is this weekend and I'm being dragged kicking and screaming to my first ever event. I've never much fancied the idea of muscle mimsys in pink licra hot pants waving that God awful rainbow flag on top of a tractor covered in crepe paper. I mean it's such a good portrayal of how we live our lives in the pink. Yes you can often find me trotting around Asda at 10pm covered in silver glitter screaming and mincing about gay rights in some vain attempt at getting my picture printed on the centre pages of 'Zone' magazine. We've got partnership rights and section 28 lifted - do we need to make characateurs of ourselves much more?
Keen readers of this site will also know I don't like manchester too much either. Three things - overpriced, stuck up and pill heads. However on the plus side Adam and Kim are coming with us (who are a really cool couple Rob has been mates with for a few years) and I get to spend the weekend away with Bobby in a hotel room so not all MEH!
Speaking of city hopping I also got to see Steve for a half day thursday catch up in Liverpool for a bit of shopping and site seeing before we got caught in the loudest thunderstorm. Best excuse for spontaneous coat purchase methinks!
In other news I've had a few cases of reminisance this last month or so. When I was in high school and through college Me, Mark Johnson (who you can check out at Sally Jones and Lisa Barnett would stop at eachothers houses a couple of times a month for sleep overs. We'd do the usual of wandering the streets in our pyjamas at 4am, listen to these new things called "CD's" camping in the garden, have food fights and watch 'Wet Weekend' (which was a video I half inched off somebody who will remain nameless on here!) and never tire of doing the same things over and over. Three weeks ago Lisa got married to her longterm boyfriend Chris and we all got together in one room for the first time in about 6-7 years, and the whole group dyamic hadn't changed one bit. I was still the smart mouth, Mark was still the refined brains, Sally was still the giggly shy one and Lisa is a bubbly nutter still. And it was almost as if we were still 14 if only we weren't all so physically different than way back then and we had access to the toy machine in the mens loo's! Two weeks ago Mark had his leaving do in Kidsgrove as he moves to China this friday to teach for a couple of years. Again lots of faces I've not seen for years and a good chance to listen to Mark do his kareoke. All night. Many times. To some rather questionable tunage...
Last week Sally got married too to her childhood sweetheart Daniel. It's weird because suddenly I feel grown up and it's taken this month for it to hit me that I'm not a kid anymore scrimping by week by week acting like a birk every weekend and regretting it sunday morning. I'm comfortable now money wise. I'm in a strong relationship. And my friends do grown up things now like marry, get mortgages and work abroad not just consume their body weight in vodka jelly. And it's cool. Even if I ddo have two full glass cabinets of X-Men figures and a habit of watching Spongebob squarepants when I get home from work.
Just ask me how I'm finding not being a kid when I'm 30 though...

Friday, August 04, 2006

Of Names In Lights...


"Brings her own kind of cabaret to Blackpool. She has appeared in many West End musicals which include Me and My Girl, My Girl, West Side Story, Les Miserables, Cats, Billy and Singing In The Rain"

Who is this wonderous and spectacular star of the stage?

"She has also appeared on Broadway, in Sweeny Todd and a chorus line. Whilst in the states she worked as a cabaret singer in Las Vegas. She brings us her own kind of comedy and stunning vocal talents"

Is it the illustrious Julie Andrews? Could it be the gin rattling cirriculum vitae of Angela Langsbury?

Dear reader, this is the career history of the brickie with a bulge, the labourer with a labia, the tatoo of the toto...
Check out

Truly a treasure!