Of Tardy Updates, Shopping, Mimmus And Stuff...

"I am fire and flesh made eternal. Now, and forever, I am Phoenix"
Yes well now that's out of the way how the hell are you all? So much to say so little energy to type with here in work at my classy desk. So this lot will probably all seem a bit haphazzard.
Since the last post most of my time has been spent sweeping up the remains of another failed relationship in the life of Wings. PSYCHE! No for once I am very happy to say me and Rob are still very much going strong with the big 'L' already signing off most texts/ conversations/ kisses goodnight. Lots of dining out, cosy nights in, shopping, days out and a football match (that I ENJOYED) so all kinds of good. He's even unofficilly moved in as we've only spent 4 nights apart since we got together (two nights at the start, two nights for his recent spell in hospital fyi).
Also had a few nights out in the club that resulted in early departures, lost memories and silly dancing with Martini on the dance floor. Also plenty of Little Britain parties at mine, shopping in various parts of the country for christmas presents, and being harrassed by a pie wielding Nelly and Gloria in Lush!
Christmas and New Year was a combination of emergency shifts at the club, catching up with more family, days off doing sod all and shopping for myself as I'd covered everyones presents by the end of november (yay)!
Christmas was spent with family in the daytime doing the usual eating more than your own body weight inham, turkey and bacon and apricot rolls. Was wheeled to the hpuse party at Martini's where we sang, buzzed (amazing game) and food fought our way into boxing day!
New years was the usual working in Trendz throwing out the cocktails but Charlie and I did buy a jug or three out of our tips to bring in the new year with a hazey outlook!
Not really much more to report other than me and Rob are looking around for a bigger place and we have 7 weeks to go until we're sat in a four star hotel in Gran Canaria for a fornight in the spa. Squeal!
Keep posting y'all and sorry for the delays
Wings :)